
The world
Today it is windy and chilly. Snowed this morning but it’s already gone. It’s been sort of rainy and blustery for a while, I suppose. The flowers are coming up anyway, and Hugo still wants to be out. Buds are starting to form on the branches, but leaves will not be for a while. Only the barest beginnings of scilla in bud, I expect it’ll be at least two weeks till daffodils. Minimum. Still March.

The kiddo
Sick today. Still in pretty good spirits, though. Coughed in his sleep last night and then slept late, went outside with Hoy before breakfast. Says two word combinations pretty regularly now. Starting to get into the big toy firetruck we got him.

I can’t believe it’s been four days. Damn it. Final project prep is upon me and the weather turned blergy. Although there was a thunderstorm! That should have been sufficient. Just getting my stuff done, over here. Gonna go organize Hugo’s toys now. That should be fun.


The world
March was much Marchier today. Windy, 40s, showers. Still not as biting as the cold all winter, so I’ll take it. Yesterday it was 60-plus and we all sat around outside for too long and didn’t eat dinner till late.

The kiddo
I cannot overstate how much I love holding hands with him. He reaches up to grab a parental hand going up or down steep steps, or over slippery or uneven surfaces. It’s such a nice way to help him navigate the world, not holding him but not entirely separate either.

Bought a salad for lunch and forgot to eat it. Scarfed down a bacon-egg-and-cheese bagel after stats and then just, did other stuff and never ate the healthy part. At least I took it home; maybe tomorrow.

Also, I seem to be doing these every other day recently. What gives?


The world
Over at S&L’s today. Lots of stuff coming up in their big backyard and many garden beds. It was fun to run around with Hugo there. It is the equinox today. The moon is waning gibbous.

The kiddo
The person manning the children’s library desk was incredibly kind and complimentary of Hugo. Gushed about his being so sociable and walking around so well. Invited him to story hour, even though he’s not yet two!

When all this happened, as whenever anybody outside the family says something nice about Hugo, I was flattered – and also secretly felt sort of justified; yes, recognize the wonder that is my child. Do all parents feel this way?


The world
Proper spring rainy today. The garden is getting green and some of the scilla are coming up already budding, just like last year. I missed the full moon yesterday, we’re waning gibbous now.

The kiddo
Crawled all over me when I lay down on the ground for a minute. Absolute hurricane. Busy busy busy all day, roughhousing in the evening, sat on my lap most of books, wriggled through songs, out like a light. Many little moments of fussing, between one thing and the next. He has my whole heart.

Achy in my body today. Not sure why. Almost had the gumption to take a walk while the boys napped … soon.


The world
70 degrees. We ate outside in the courtyard at eat. So nice to be out, I can’t stop loving early spring.

The kiddo
Absolutely delighted to run around outside so much of the day and evening. He’s started fussing more when he doesn’t get what he wants, but if we ignore it, it usually doesn’t last.

Focused on work, which is somewhat tough but fairly controllable, as opposed to the world, which is grim and not controllable. Hugo is a bright spot, as are my little plants.


The world
Moon now waxing gibbous. Second day in the 50s and more coming. I pulled the leaves off the flower bed – lots of stuff coming up! All yellow and white right now, but they just need light.

The kiddo
Wanted bubbles again in the bath after I blew them for him last night. So I blew them for him again. A nice bath time, a nice milk-snuggle, a nice books (mostly – a bit of hair pulling towards the end).

I wonder if I’m so battered by the state of things year after year for the past six years that I don’t even really see it anymore. Or like, don’t see myself as part of it. I could try to do something to help, is what I’m saying. But I haven’t, and I suspect I mostly won’t.


The world
I like how all the birds are singing now. It hit mid-50s today, and the little shoots and buds are continuing on as though the sub-zero snow squalls never happened at all.

The kiddo
Full of energy today! Swung on a big-kid swing by himself, after roundly rejecting sitting on our laps. He hung on pretty good for quite a while!

Doing a frustrating task on a time crunch without enough guidance. Will do well enough and keep things in balance but it is no fun.


The world
Daylights savings time today. Spent morning at the park in 20 degree weather and more snow, this time rapidly switching from soft fat lazy flakes to biting wind-driven needles. Fickle!

The kiddo
A little bitey recently. Maybe the last of the teeth are starting to come in? Also, looks like he’s finally got an affirmative, instead of saying “no” for both no and yes.

A little awash in time what with the light change, but yesterday’s malaise seems to have been recuperative; much more ready to face the week and the world.


The world
High of 20 today. This is no longer fun. This is just March being a bitch.

The kiddo
We took him to the Hands On Museum. No repeat of yesterday’s fear, he had an absolute blast from start to end.

Just about at capacity, here. Just about.


The world
Woke up to snow. Beautiful, fluffy snow falling slowly to through the air. Snow on the ground. I wasn’t even mad. It’s my favorite kind of snow, and a nice late taste of winter beauty. March has the range.

The kiddo
Went to a social work gathering after daycare, and he was terrified on arrival. Clung to Hoy, clutched a strawberry but was too scared to eat it. He warmed up to it though and explored the house with gusto.

Felt behind. Felt annoyed.