How will I survive the diaspora of friendship?
I will lean heavily upon the future
(in form of: wishing, hoping, and video-communication)
Also on the past
(in form of: remembering, and the arcane and archaic art of the postal letter)
I will not forget those things outside of my immediate cycle of days, but
as importantly,
I will allow myself to be comforted by those things within that cycle.
I will take my vitamins. I will brush my teeth. I will cook dinner.
I will cry a little when I need to.
What is less than three? Whole universes. Everything.
Foreshortened hands and pictures in my notebook and boxes on my bureau and poems that I wrote or have not written –
This is literal.
And I will remember telephones and aeroplanes;
the easiest and the hardest,
the saddest and the best.
I am a master of the universe. I will conquer this loss.
We will regain.