- Seems men who are financially dependent on their female partners are more likely to cheat. Threatened much? http://bit.ly/bCwaay #kinkontap #
- @Gnosisseeker Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that! Best wishes to your grandmother! I hope all is well. in reply to Gnosisseeker #
- RT @eddieizzard: Sen. Al Franken: We Have a Free Speech Problem http://t.co/3yY68kA via @huffingtonpost #KinkOnTap (He's right, you know…) #
- I miss you, #Teddy #Roosevelt. If you were here to #bust up some #trusts we wouldn't have to fear for the future of #Net #Neutrality. #
- Gearing up once again for @KinkOnTap, this time with the supercool @S___elliot and @avflox, as well as @maymaym and myself. Rockin' the net! #
- @sarahdopp @avflox @mollyren This is my favorite conversation! in reply to sarahdopp #
- @maymaym You were certainly complimented too! #kinkontap in reply to maymaym #
- @maymaym It was an honor to be part of the conversation this @kinkontap. in reply to maymaym #
- @maymaym @Ropecast Hear-hear! in reply to maymaym #
- @vlad43210 Good morning. It was fun to have you listening! in reply to vlad43210 #
- @katiesalt All my fondest thoughts are with you, Lady. in reply to katiesalt #
- @tylerthepup Clearly you're just too sexy for it. in reply to tylerthepup #
- RT @Akelaa: Always two there are: A master, and the guy who feeds him cookies cc @sarahdopp #
- So chilly today I had to put on a warm cardigan and switch out my knee socks for thick tights. Plus side, I can change clothes mid-workday! #
- It turns out that writing is really exhausting work. Who would have thought it to be so?! #
- @SaraEileen Sending you and @zacmakes so, so much love & luck. This is just dumb, this happening to you guys right now. Cut it out Universe. in reply to SaraEileen #
- New post over at Follows The Sun: http://bit.ly/bvHPaG. (Thank You). #
- @astralknowledge this is more fun than the fallen london ones! in reply to astralknowledge #
- @cunningminx FLYING. In a heartbeat. Get me over my fear of heights, and the coolest way to travel (if the gubment doesn't shoot me down). in reply to cunningminx #
- @00Syd 10:00 am. You're golden. in reply to 00Syd #
- How many drinks can you make out of @KinkOnTap episode titles? Quite a lot, really, when you put your mind to it… #
- @maymaym And where is that, pray tell? in reply to maymaym #
- What's cool in late summer would be warm in mid-spring. Regardless, I'm wrapping my scarf around my feet to keep them warm. C'est la vie. #
- @Ropecast To whom, sir, are you referring with this most titillating of revelations? #
- @Ropecast Ahh. Ruffians. I see. in reply to Ropecast #
- @Ropecast Clearly. in reply to Ropecast #
- @johntunger Take care of yourself, Mister! Do art supply stores sell some sort of … welding… block? Like sun block? maybe? in reply to johntunger #
- @sarahdopp Remarkably so, really! in reply to sarahdopp #
- Tonight is one of those nights when I just can't stop crying. And there are people around, and they notice if I leave, I wish I was well. #
- @maymaym Thank you for this tweet. It's a good thing to see after a very trying day. Everything is hard and painful, but my family loves me. in reply to maymaym #
- New post at Follows the Sun (in case you were foolish enough to believe the last one): https://followsthesun.com/as-it-turns-out/ #
Monthly Archives: August 2010
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-08-22
- Once again, a reminder that since kids are gonna have sex, we should educate, not chastise them. http://bigthink.com/ideas/21789 #kinkontap #
- It's time for @KinkOnTap again! This time, with friend of the show @pledgemistress and the return of the fabulous @rabbitwhite! #
- Hey, @vlad43210, we're talking about Russia on @KinkOnTap! Come tell laugh at our cruddy pronunciation! #
- @katiesalt I'm gonna need a whoooole lotta notice to make it to that party! (But y'know, I can help you give good notice) in reply to katiesalt #
- @Adisson89 I have thoughts thereon, if you want some input. DM me or whatever. in reply to Adisson89 #
- @bluegal I might know one … 😉 in reply to bluegal #
- Quoth @sarahdopp: "The baby didn't get any breastmilk last week.
Just a squirt of milk in the face while I was running past it." # - @maymaym You live on the coast, silly boy. Go to the ocean yourself; walk; think; be. in reply to maymaym #
- @sarahdopp No, friend. You are not a plush pony or a troll doll. You are a real girl, and your hair keeps growing and growing! in reply to sarahdopp #
- What with? #
- @maymaym OH PLEASE MAKE THAT PLUGIN!!! I want to slap these all over everything! in reply to maymaym #
- @jamesbcarp You know I'd be there in a trice, but the commute is just so very, very long. in reply to jamesbcarp #
- @bewareleopard Srsly you guys are the most adorable that there is. in reply to bewareleopard #
- I know that my breasts are not, on the scale of all breasts, "too small," but I still frequently wonder if they're too small for my body. #
- RT @johntunger: Been getting some totally amazing photos back from hotels and restaurants with firebowls thanks to my VA Emma (@helio_girl). #
- @johntunger Thanks! Cold calling with a warm heart, that's me! in reply to johntunger #
- In my dreams there were caves and villagers, and @reidaboutsex on an auditorium stage, bringing down the house. Not a bad place to be. #
- I often forget that I'm not who I was. Keep thinking I'll be jealous or upset at #tfw2010 tweets, but I'm mostly just #glad for those there. #
- @sarahdopp Mostly Data, I would guess… in reply to sarahdopp #
- @ReidAboutSex I was not on stage. I was watching from the audience & feeling proud. More like #RobbinWilliams meets #SexEd (you, basically) in reply to ReidAboutSex #
- @ReidAboutSex Definitely not the Bat-Cave, though I like your implications… in reply to ReidAboutSex #
- @ReidAboutSex Can I be #catwoman She's more fun, and she gets to hold the whip (cc @vlad43210) in reply to ReidAboutSex #
- @ReidAboutSex I was so proud I made a mental note to go find you and give you a kiss after. But the dream never made it to after … in reply to ReidAboutSex #
- @Ropecast Can I just say thank you? What fun to look at all these pretties and know they'll be put to good use. in reply to Ropecast #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-08-15
- Gearing up for @kinkontap! You should come join us, we've got @viviane212 and @xmech as guests, plus the ever-fab @maymaym (and me!) #
- Morning. Half on vacation, half not. Confused and overwhelmed by work and family. Missing many things. #
- @pledgemistress Please stop hurting, Aida's tummy! in reply to pledgemistress #
- Hey guys, is google search down or something? When I try to go to google, road runner search comes up. Which is very, very odd. #
- … and that has now stopped happening. What an odd little Internet blip. #
- @Rikakulon Unquestionably it is so! in reply to Rikakulon #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-08-08
- Gearing up for @KinkOnTap with the very cool (deep-voiced) @Mr_Electrico – and the always brilliant @maymaym, of course. I'm psyched!! #
- @snarshad I'd just like you to know that that was an unacceptable build-up to pun. Please make a note. in reply to snarshad #
- @maymaym You frequently stay up super late to do work. Why not enjoy the moment while it's here, then stay up super late for a reason? in reply to maymaym #
- Y'know what I hate? People #pressuring me to skip out on my #responsibilities because they aren't priorities for them, only me. That sucks. #
- Bloody HECK. My options are 1) so hot and muggy my glasses steam up or 2) so AC frizzed I need a hoodie and some thick socks. #summerisdumb #
- Dear skies over Providence: If you do not rain tonight I will go up there and punch a hole in you myself. Fix this humidity, darn it! #
- @mgod Zomygosh adorable. in reply to mgod #
- Further proof that breast milk is the coolest liquid ever: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/08/03/science/03milk.html?_r=2&ref=science #kinkontap #
- RT @maymaym: New blog post: You know I'm angry; let me tell you why http://maybemaimed.com/?p=1943 #beautiful #true #YouCanNeverSilenceLove #
- #Google stop it. You're not speeding up the Internet, you're creating a #caste #system. Sex will go first. http://nyti.ms/aWZaxf #kinkontap #
- Following in the path of Japan, small town Minnesota now has its own giant #genitals this time, on #beavers http://bit.ly/9SwMwM #kinkontap #
- Feeling seriously cruddy. Looks like I dehydrated myself. blech. #
- @maymaym Thanks. I'm on the mend, but off to bed. Was a long, rough day for me. in reply to maymaym #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-08-01
- We already know that Chimps use leaves as sexual accoutrements, but do #dildos date back to the #stone #age? Could be. http://bit.ly/cj8gGC #
- Getting ready for @KinkOnTap with @SyzygyMagazine's Brad Hannon and Susan Beaver. We're gonna talk #sex #lies and #capitalism this week! #
- Hey, #Whovians We're talkin' Doctor in the @KinkOnTap chatroom! Drop in! #
- Why yes, I am taking a lunch break today. Didn't eat breakfast, you say? 4:30 in the afternoon, you say? Pah. I reject your silly food norms #
- I gotta admit, Netflix. Now is not the best time for you to have scheduled maintenance. We could have timed this better. #
- Here's hoping! RT @diabola: China to end public shaming of sex workers. (Seriously. Pigs are flying today.) http://nyti.ms/9MZnNF #kinkontap #
- @HiOhMegan oh boo! That is a hard place to be. in reply to HiOhMegan #