- As girls hit puberty ever-younger, #sex #ed needs to start earlier, or we fail to help our children #adapt http://bit.ly/dlIxKs #kinkontap #
- @pledgemistress zo my gosh so awesome!! in reply to pledgemistress #
- @johntunger I don't know, but try asking #lazyweb – that hashtag is great for getting answers! in reply to johntunger #
- @johntunger Implied and searchable are not the same, my friend. in reply to johntunger #
- Nose-stuck-in-a-database. Pulled nose out for improved breathing. Deep breath, going back in. #
- I totally fail at eating. #
- @sarahdopp And fairly so, I'd say. 🙂 in reply to sarahdopp #
- Dear head: Stop aching. What's that? You'll stop when I eat something? Fine, ok. In a minute. #
- Full report, summary, and implementation for National HIV/AIDS Strategy http://bit.ly/asMf3U Hope this works … via @audaciaray #kinkontap #
- Sought seat in the sun. Obtained seat in the sun. Now finding the sun too hot. #heliotrope #fail #
- Sun dips beneath building, am immediately cold. @helio_girl, sort yourself out! #
- @FierceKitty What does it say that I know EXACTLY what those lyrics come from? Oh, Mr. Wonderful… in reply to FierceKitty #
- @pledgemistress Try a library, silly girl. I know Smith Hill got 'em every week. in reply to pledgemistress #
- @SaraEileen Library's exist for a reason, m'dear. Go read! in reply to SaraEileen #
- Oh, hello. I seem to have found myself at #OWC2 Hello #webdevelopers Hello #programers Do you need help any help getting #organized #
- Am here w/ @maymaym (why else?), who's promised to #translate for me when my #webspeak breaks down, & I've @sarahdopp for solidarity. #owc2 #
- Oh, @oldspiceguy, you liven up every event, from #ladies #nights to #web #camps. How would we ever get by without you? cc @mollydotcom #owc2 #
- I feel my place at #owc2 is to #represent the #users whom I'm sure will be referred to many times over the course of the day. I use the web! #
- Speaker @mollydotcom asks the telling question "Why would there be a #web #standards #movement if there were web standards?" Good point. Hmm #
- Query: as a #user do #web #standards make MY life easier? How much do they filter down to those who use (rather than build) the web? #owc2 #
- .@XuguMadison #Drag and #drop uploads most certainly do appeal! Honest question re: #web #standards. Thanks for the info! #owc2 in reply to XuguMadison #
- Learning that on the #web as #everywhere doing it correctly & keeping it #open is #hard On the web, as everywhere, do it anyway. #owc2 #
- Oh, poor #flash You get a #bum #rap. #owc2 #
- @maymaym Oh, that makes sense! I like #light #bulbs. I suppose I like #web #standards, too! #owc2 in reply to maymaym #
- Beginning to get #lost in the #religious #analogies. Vendor agnostic? Unsure if vendors really exist? #confused #owc2 #
- "#Backward #Compatible quot;-we must accept what came before. All I seem to do here is draw connections to the #world beyond the #web #owc2 #
- Fearing the day they take me away to install a #screen in my #belly I don't want to be a #teletubby #owc2 #
- Listening to @johnallsopp convince me that #web #apps are better than #native #apps. Just click a link?! I'm sold. #owc2 #
- Dude, that is one pretty turtle. Pretty, pretty turtle. #AmIright #Iamright #
- Next to me, @maymaym quietly cheers when #SVG comes up in @johnallsopp's talk. Yes, dear. We know. #owc2 #
- Learning how to use #canvas to make a #colored #rectangle! Thanks @johnallsopp. I would not have known that. At all. #owc2 #
- Wait, I think I missed something. Is @johnallsopp teaching us how to use #W3C #Geop #Api to spy on people? Cuz that would be cool… #owc2 #
- Wait, I think I missed something. Is @johnallsopp teaching us to use #W3C #Geo #API to spy on people? That would be cool. #owc2 (fixed tags) #
- RT @9park: So IE is crap #owc2 (Someone was bound to say it) #
- Not only do I love what @johnallsopp is teaching me about #caching web info #locally I love how he says the word "cache." #owc2 #
- "We store things with name/value keypairs, right? So we all know that sort of stuff." Yes, of course, @johnallsopp. #foolish #user #owc2 #
- RT @sarahdopp: O hay! Queer Open Mic is NEXT FRIDAY, July 23rd!! http://queeropenmic.com You should totally come! #
- "Future proof your work" – excellent advice from @johnallsopp, a parallel to "accept what came before." #World beyond #Web #owc2 #
- Thanks, @stubornella, for putting your slides online! Way to keep it #accessible for #everbody #owc2 #
- Thanks, @stubornnella, for putting your slides online! Way to keep it #accessible for #everbody #owc2 (fixed handle) #
- "How many people know about #kudzu " asks @stubbornella. My hand shoots up. Better at #plants than #web (It's a great analogy!) #owc2 #
- I love all presenters at #owc2 that begin with "for those who #don #039;t #know " Oh man, is that ever me! #CSS3 #
- Wow, @stubbornella is rocking the analogies! #kudzu vine and #legos make #CSS comprehensible for the poor #foolishuser Thank you!! #owc2 #
- To #refine your site, step back & look for the #patterns Cut out what's not needed. To refine your life … #World beyond #Web #owc2 #
- @HiOhMegan That's pretty, lady! I like it! in reply to HiOhMegan #
- In #CSS (as #everywhere don't call things !Important unless they actually are, @stubbornella tells us. #World beyond #Web #owc2 #
- RT @maymaym: "It's important to define what you know" @stubbornella says at #OWC2 Also world beyond Web, @helio_girl? 🙂 (Totally!!) #
- I just learned the most interesting thing from @sarahdopp. #
- In response to a challenge from @stubbornella, @maymaym proves he knows #CSS and can type faster than you. #owc2 #
- THANK YOU @stubbornella, for your #clear & #concise presentation on avoiding #CSS bloat. I am flat out amazed @ how easily I followed. #owc2 #
- Dear everybody who follows me who is not at Open Web Camp II today – feel free to ignore it all. Just tweetin' a conference over here… #
- "Not everyone is using a #mouse & not everyone is looking at the #screen and if they are, they aren't looking at it the way you do." #owc2 #
- This is the first time I've been asked to #listen to the #Internet @vick08 teaches us #accessibility first hand. #owc2 #
- Discovering that the same #craftsmanship I value in #objects can exist on the #Web – may your code be concise & your site accessible. #owc2 #
- @nikolasco Shoes are important for warmth and dryness of feet. Along with luck in shoe quest I send smiles and warmth for the rest of you. in reply to nikolasco #
- @sarahdopp Durn right I'm an experience! in reply to sarahdopp #
- Just had @maymaym explain the term "#A11y" to me. Eleven letters, you say? I will never understand your abbreviations, #webfolk #owc2 #
- @musingvirtual Thanks! I thought they might … (I did not know that). #owc2 in reply to musingvirtual #
- Experiencing the 2:30 con-slump. I wonder if there's any more #coffee #owc2 #
- @maymaym He doesn't seem to need much morale support. You go, @sanbeiji! #owc2 in reply to maymaym #
- @sarahdopp I thought something might that might-a happened. I was nearly there myself, but opted to stick close to @maymaym. in reply to sarahdopp #
- Ooh! @mgod just taught me a new word: "#numeronym"! This is how we linguisticize #a11y #i18n Thanks, friend! #owc2 #
- Heh. @maymaym connects w/ gorgeous girl sitting on his other side over #VIM I see a #gorgeous #girl. He sees a #fellow VIM user. #owc2 #
- As #owc2 winds down, I take stock. I think I did pretty well for a #foolishuser at a #techcon Not a bad day, all told. Thanks everybody! #
- Man, #pretty #CSS is so, so pretty. I could play with these #cubes all day. http://bit.ly/9O0nl0 http://bit.ly/cPMu23 #owc2 #
- Another #CSS #pretty: http://www.romancortes.com/ficheros/css-coke.html #owc2 #