- Safe now in Providence, connected with @zacmakes, found internet and connected with @maymaym. Much packing to do, but all's well. Hooray IM! #
- So hot and muggy I'm sitting in my undies, not wanting to pack or clean. I miss #SFO #fog and cool weather, and more. But, pack I will. #
- Said it was too hot to pack. Was correct; did not pack. Now, to Boston. If I must be unproductive, let it be with friends and cake. For Joy! #
- Much cooler today. I will pack, dammit. I will! #
- Knocked out one room, cleaning at all. It feels both like a huge accomplishment and like a very slow start, at once. Showered, now I feed! #
- So. Sweaty. Wash, then go fight eldritch beasts, cooperation-style. Then back for v. late packing spree. I WILL finish the kitchen tonight. #