- Had such fun on @kinkontap I didn't even realize I was overlooking stuff. Must remember: the fun I didn't have doesn't negate the fun I had. #
- PS so many thanks to @maymaym, @bewareleopard and Per for all the #fun I DID have. #Awesome #conversation, guys! #kinkontap #
- Sitting in the lovely old building that houses @theCSPH, with wifi, a plant, and Biscuit the cat. Getting work done and feeling groovy. Joy! #
- @pledgemistress You live in the boobies? Well…. yeah, I guess that's true. in reply to pledgemistress #
- Listening to opening remarks at #Sex20 I'm so glad to be here! But depressed to have somehow gotten a crappy cup of coffee in Seattle. WTF? #
- True, @maymaym the vibrators were a pretty nice touch. especially since they also included batteries. Very thought full, #Sex20 in reply to maymaym #
- Keynote speaker at #Sex20 is giving us a long-view history of #Feminism looking as far back as pre-civil war issues. Way to go #history #
- Spkr: As early as 1870 we see a split in Feminism, between those who want sexual liberation & those who want more legislative control #sex20 #
- Keynote speaker just told us that New Zealanders are "deliriously #happy quot; since they #decriminalized #prostitution. Would it were so! #sex20 #
- Keynote speaker self-identifies as 2cnd-Wave Feminist – but also tells us that that means hanging out with a bunch of angry lesbians. #Sex20 #
- #vernonicamonet reminds us that feminist activism was once a terrifying & dangerous thing. It's amazing how easily I forget my roots. @Sex20 #
- A la Mazlo, @veronicamonet tells us that until #women were safe from bodily #harm they could't focus on getting bodily #pleasure #sex20. #
- If you can't do what you want to do, you have not been liberated. If you can't fuck the people you want to fuck, find a new movement. #sex20 #
- We have better things to do than #criticize our #wank #material. Come on Feminists, let's go! #sex20 #
- When did #Feminism hop in bed with #Conservatism As soon as it buttoned it's dress to its throat and went to make prohibition #laws #Sex20 #
- Speaker @veronicamonet tells us that the Whore/Madonna complex straight out of the bible has permeated our #culture Christian or no. #sex20 #
- "Former Prostitutes make excellent mothers" said @veronicamonet's #expert #witness in custody case. Wow, what were they an expert in? #sex20 #
- @EssinEm I'm pretty sure some people were killed. Maybe not as many as history would pretend, but some. It was all that #ergot mold. #sex20 in reply to EssinEm #
- RT @bigolpoofter: after 3 days of diversity, intersectionality w NCAVP the hanuting whiteness of #sex20 has me down already #
- Apparently, having a #vagina doesn't necessarily make you #peaceful Thanks, @veronicamonet! #sex20 #
- #Social #Media creates global connection & unity, so that we can be close to the people we #love not just the people who're near us. #sex20 #
- New #Sex #Educators workshop is beginning #sex20 Tough issues like #monetization and #community #care will be discussed! #
- W/ Sex Educators & everyone, it's a problem that we make mistakes, and then watch others make the same mistakes and don't help them. #sex20 #
- Ducky Doolittle says #transparency is #important even about #scary topics like #money and #sex Own your info, share info, be #safe #sex20 #
- "I find alot of joy in lifting people up and out and into sex education." says Ducky Doolittle. Beautiful, to hear of joy in helping. #sex20 #
- Spkr @loveuduckydoo tells her story from sex worker to educating the NYPD about gender and sexuality issues. Brilliant! #sex20 #
- It is GOOD to #make #money off what you love. Don't feel guilty – supporting yourself is #not #taking #advantage @loveuduckydoo, #sex20 #
- RT @maymaym: At #Internet bullying at #Sex20 Listen to @TBK365 converse about her firing @ http://vb.ly/2934! & read: http://ur1.ca/rr3f #
- Only old, non-sexy people are allowed to have smart conversations about sex, because "you can't sexualize them" says @loveuduckydoo. #sex20 #
- "You can be both!" says @LoveUDuckyDoo People aren't EITHER saints or sinners, even in #sexuality #circles. See Dr.Ruth, fr'instance. #sex20 #
- I assume Perez HIlton wants to write the shit that Perez Hilton writes. But to be fair, @LoveUDuckyDoo, I don't understand WHY. #Sex20 #
- The most important thing you can learn as a sex educator is to just #shut #up and #listen says. Again, same as the rest of life. #sex20 #
- RT @KinkOnTap Don't miss #Sex20 @maymaym & I will try creating a piecemeal Kink On Tap; see our tweets for interviews from this conference! #
- "It's so nice to see so many here for the same reason" @LoveUDuckyDoo says start a pres by bringing your audience together-brilliant! #sex20 #
- We see our flaws, but those that #love us see our #beauty says @LoveUDuckyDoo. Remember, remember, remember. Be #Joyous #stayalive #Sex20 #
- "And activist is an educator and and educator should be an activist. They're the same thing." Says @LoveUDuckDoo. Sexuality =All Life #Sex20 #
- "I'm going to the top with this, and I'm taking everybody with me." – @LoveUDuckyDoo. #What #A #Lovely #Sentiment #Sex20 #
- In the #KinkOnTap chatroom (http://bit.ly/b9bYxw), hoping for folks to come chat about #Sex20 #Media #Panel w/ @maymaym is starting! #
- @FierceKitty I think you're looking for @maymaym. Common mistake! in reply to FierceKitty #
- I think @reidaboutsex just called shot-gun on a spanking. Is that allowed? #Sex20 #
- Apparently I should have edited @maymaym's #Sex20 bio for run-on sentences. Oops! Gotta pay attention if I'm to be #Organization #Goddess. #
- @maymaym, the backchannel is definitely not updating. #
- It's always odd to me to watch a panel from over the tops of panelists' laptops. But I guess that's what you get w/ #Media #Whores. #Sex20 #
- Worth noting that the "whore" in #Media #Whore is acronym for We #Honor Ourselves w/ Respect & #Empowerment Kitschy, sure, but wise. #Sex20 #
- If you speak on the media, saying "off the record" is like saying "no offense" when you're being offensive. It just. #Doesn #039;t. #Work #Sex20 #
- "Why do you ask?" is the best protection against unreasonable, off-topic questions says @ReidAboutSex. #Good #advice. #Sex20 #
- Holygod. Between #KinkOnTap chat and #twitter I feel like I'm just a conduit for #Sex20 information. Which is, frankly, kinda cool! #
- Panelist @FierceKitty gives one simple piece of good advice: know your #Top #10 #Google #Results. This is now we protect our info. #sex20 #
- So. True. @ReidAboutSex just described himself as a golden retriever on espresso. That's just terrifyingly accurate. #Sex20 #
- All press, even "negative" press, just brings people back to your #site says @ReidAboutSex. So make it a good one, guys. #Sex20 #
- Just deactivated my #facebook account. I will miss the #photos but I'll learn to love #flickr and I'll know that I'm safer. #
- RT @Ropecast: "Anne Coulter called you UGLY?" "Yeah. I know. Talk about hypocrisy." – @maymaym #sex20 #
- #Be who you are. #Love what you do. Put it out there, and make it #accessible You will #change the #world #Sex20 #
- @nikolasco who what now? in reply to nikolasco #
- The Internet is a big & scary place, with a lot of useful (& less useful) places to put your #info Don't be afraid to ask for #help #sex20 #
- #Media #Panel is giving #WordPress love. Useful, simple, know it, love it. #Sex20 #Information #Technology #
- @HiOhMegan Sure! Short answer, I don't use it, and I don't trust 'em with my info. Want it off my google hits. in reply to HiOhMegan #
- If you want to learn, skip school and head to http://ted.com. Watch the #brilliance I hear it whenever @maymaym speaks. I'm inspired. #sex20 #
- @Ropecast What is this Namespace y'all are talkin' about? in reply to Ropecast #
- Remember, says @ReidAboutSex – That you're even AT this conference means you're not like #other #people. Yes. Right. #Bubble #Sex20 #
- #Find your #audience and talk to them where the are (not where you are) says @cunningminx. More #good #advice from the #media #panel. #Sex20 #
- You're never too cool to become outdated. As great as I am with my laptop, I can't use a complex phone for crap-but youth live on 'em #sex20 #
- Quote: "The Internet is 15 years old and hasn't even gotten laid yet." IMAGINE the world once the #Internet starts #banging #sex20 #
- Heh. @maymaym tells us that he speaks quickly – and demonstrates it, too! #sex20 #
- First #google hit for my legal name is my undergraduate #thesis Shortly thereafter, #KinkForAll press releases. Good – I like this girl. #
- Back at #Sex20 as @Ropecast begins his presentation about coming #out #First (and perhaps #hardest step – coming out to #yourself #
- Change must happen – you'll come out, and out, and out again, as you learn the person you are. @ropecast #Sex20 #
- "Daddy what's that on your screen?" "That's a grown up toy." "Why's it pulling that man's penis down?" "Cuz that's how it works!" #sex20 #
- #Love is #hard It doesn't matter how you do it, it will lift you to the clouds and throw you to the dogs. Get over it, be #joyous #Sex20 #
- If you'd like to chat about #Sex20 in realtime, come join @maymaym and I in the #KinkOnTap chatroom (http://bit.ly/c6ZxCb). It's a blast! #
- Being the "sexuality" person in a friend group can be an interesting – and onerous – social position. #Sex20 @ropecast #
- RT @EssinEm: Please retweet: the @fascinationsfun gift bags are 100% recycleable, for if you don't want to keep them. #sex20 #
- "I don't care what he does in his spare time, we need him. He's good at his job." Should be protection. Sad It isn't always. #sex20 @TBK365 #
- @HiOhMegan oh sad! I have radishes and blueberries and cherries in the room, if they would help! in reply to HiOhMegan #
- Hey, @TBK365! We're talking about you AGAIN! @Ropecast, this time. Told you you'd be here in spirit. #sex20 #
- The story about @TBK365 firings just doesn't get any easier to hear. @ropecast speaks with all the righteous indignation I that feel. #sex20 #
- It's nice not to have to be somebody's first kinky friend – but when you are, and you're open, you're doing them a service. #Sex20 @ropecast #
- Wow, @EssinEm, that is super cool! Broadcast that story, to help combat our fears that the world has only close-mindedness and fear. #sex20 in reply to EssinEm #
- "If someone can prove the way you have #sex is #wrong it gives them power over you."-@ropecast How can you "prove" any sex is wrong? #sex20 #
- I gotta say, @ropecast sure SOUNDS like a great Dad. And I love (LOVE) #sexpositive #parenting stories. #sex20 #
- The best answer to a BS "you understand" is "No. I don't. Please explain it to me." No one can assume your opinions or anger for you. #sex20 #
- Interesting conversation in the KinkOnTap chatroom (http://bit.ly/c6ZxCb) about media at #sex20 Join in! Share your thoughts! @sex20con #
- So excited for @maymaym's presentation on #transparency Hard work, but he's brilliant. #sex20 #
- @EssinEm We'll come grab you just as soon as May's pres is done. Hang tight! in reply to EssinEm #
- Creative Commons and Wiki technology provides @maymaym with a brilliant example of how to be #accessible and #accountable #sex20 #
- SO pleased that @maymaym's #sex20 presentation is also streaming at http://bit.ly/c6ZxCb. We've got viewers and a chatroom – please join in! #
- #Wiki #Technology has spread so far so quickly precisely BECAUSE it is both #accessible and #accountable says @maymaym. #sex20 #
- By being #transparent @maymaym says we both #teach and #learn at the same time. And that's how you change the world – better. #sex20 #
- There are the pple who already get it, the pple who will never get it – & the pple who need more info. #Transparency is for group 3. #sex20 #
- By showing people #how you do what you do, you #empower them to do what you do – or do what they do, better. That's #transparency #sex20 #
- Transparency can be scary – but by owning your own information, you are always safer. No one can control it but you. #sex20 @maymaym #
- "How do you be completely accessible and still have the boundaries and the privacy you need to be safe?" 1st #transparency #question #sex20 #
- I love that among the #laptops there are plenty of folks here at #sex20 bent over #notebooks avidly taking notes in @maymaym's presentation! #
- RT @ReidAboutSex: Promises aren't accountable. – @maymaym #sex20 #
- "You cannot have free speech without #anonymity – but if you have anonymity, people aren't using #social #capital." – @maymaym #sex20 #
- Brilliant! @maymaym projects google searches for both "maymay" and his legal name – totally different information comes up. #sex20 #
- Brilliant conversation in the #KinkOnTap chat (http://bit.ly/c6ZxCb)! I'm SO glad we got that up for this presentation. @maymaym #sex20 #
- RT @HiOhMegan: When someone asks a question, they are giving a gift. Honor that vulnerability so they can learn to honor themselves. #sex20 #
- Dear @maymaym: You are a dork. Everybody loves you – several people THANKED you. Keep spreading the good word, my dear. #sex20 in reply to maymaym #
- Seattle has dropped its charade of sun. I am listening to @reidaboutsex tell me how to get my needs met, & #raindrops on the windows. #sex20 #
- #Decompress regularly to #avoid total #meltdown @ReidAboutSex advises his audience of exhausted community leaders. Good plan. #Sex20 #
- "It's fucking #tough doing this #work quot; – @ReidAboutSex. This is the truest thing I've heard today, & I'm so glad somebody owned it. #sex20 #
- Do what you want. If ya gotta work hard, work hard. If you come home from your job to 5 hours more work, do that. But take care, too. #sex20 #
- Thanks, @maymaym. Hard won skills-but communication is more important than a few people talking, so I (& @ReidAboutSex, & you) learn. #sex20 in reply to maymaym #
- Yeah, @Ropecast, for driven people, selfcare is the hardest part, hands down. I learned it early, & picked up working-too-hard after. #sex20 in reply to Ropecast #
- This is an amazing pres!1/2 great advice about working hard & taking care of yourself, 1/2 Who-Wants-T'Sleep-W/@ReidAboutSex. Slut 😉 #Sex20 #
- Wait, @Ropecast are we talking about who @ReidAboutSex wants to bang, or who wants to be bangin' him? #Sex20 in reply to Ropecast #
- Good point @bigolpoofter! There's also always the concern that you're just not enough people for him! #Sex20 in reply to bigolpoofter #
- Ok At this point I have no idea what @ReidAboutSex is saying, but I hope he doesn't stop talking. This is great! #Sex20 #
- Funny, @maymaym, I feel like I'm great at idea stuff, great at talking about sex stuff-but trying to just DO it? #Hard & #scary #Sex20 in reply to maymaym #
- Just realized that @ReidAboutSex somehow managed to somehow conflate #workaholism & #casual #sex – and the advice still holds! HOW?! #sex20 #
- @Ropecast What's "good" at this? Conferences are so amazing, but take so much out of us. It's as tiring to learn as to teach. in reply to Ropecast #
- RT @Ropecast: "Do not fuck students. Do not fuck fans at events." Hmm. @reidaboutsex #sex20 – This might apply to me one day! #Terrifying #
- "It is my belief that most people are yelling because they don't feel heard" – @ReidAboutSex. True. #Sex20 @maymaym #
- Don't. Stick it. In. The crazy. – @ReidAboutSex– And every other thinking person. Be a #thinking #person. #Sex20 #
- "Believe me, I sleep with everybody, I do my due diligence." – @ReidAboutSex. Y'know, I don't doubt him for a second. #Sex20 #
- Whatever you do, if you interact with people, leave them feeling seen and heard. Be it #sex or #organizational #consulting – #engage #sex20 #
- Apparently @ReidAboutSex gets insecure after he talks, too! Am I gonna wind up holding him and @maymaym alternately? #Sex20 #