
The world
A groundhog is decimating my flowers. Took down the sunflower entirely, got about 40% of the nasturtiums and did some damage to the moss roses. Have moved the flower pots in among the herbs, since apparently groundhogs don’t like strong smells like mint, rosemary, lavender … all of which I have. Other plants have some insect damage, but big pot of marigolds is going strong.

The kiddo
Amazing to read from last march about how he was using 2-3 word combinations. Sometime in the past few months we seem to have passed from exchanges to full on conversations. Also, whenever I tell him I am uncomfortable (headache, period, etc) hes says “I will take care of you!” and then puts on his blue nitrile gloves to be a doctor. Today he put them on and petted my head.

Yesterday I “defended” my prelim proposal for social work. Today was the first day of writing – not a lot of progress, but that’s ok. I didn’t have it in my calendar since I thought I’d be revising. I will make these daily notes for the next six weeks, until the prelim is handed in. Let’s see what summer is like, this time.