
The World
It’s amazing how different 40 degrees is from 30 degrees. Today feels like the earth is stirring, even though I see hardly any green things in all my diligent peering.

The Kiddo
Napped less than an hour, slightly cranky all night. Snuggled right up during books though, which was nice.

Got enough done! Could have done more.

The World
I am too much drawn in to the horrors of the world at large to focus much on the beauties of the world up close today. But I do worry that the daffodil-or-whatever shoots I uncovered from the leaves will suffer in the cold. If I waited, I’d worry about them getting enough light.

The Kiddo
Played on his own a lot of the evening; delighted by the stick figure chalk drawing Hoy made on the chalk-wall. Came home and pointed right at it and shouted “BABY!” and was pretty chalk-focused all night.

I got three new fillings and a heart full of worry, it seems.


The World
Actually saw the moon tonight at around 6:40 pm, a bright beautiful crescent high over the back fence, near the branches of the surviving walnut.

The Kiddo
I am so grateful he still falls asleep in my arms. I love being able to hold him until I can feel him relax.

Having a body is not always a walk in the park. But, it’s also what lets you walk in the park. So, here we are.

Waxing Crescent, First Sprouts

A lunar cycle of daily writing, beginning with the first green shoots in my garden.

March 5

The world
Slowly got warmer over the course of the day. The chives in their pots starting to come in green, which prompted me to poke around under the leaves in the front garden, and sure enough, some little shoots are coming up. The dwarf irises? The beginnings of daffodils? Time will tell.

The kiddo
Tall enough to hold hands without me bending over, and willing to do so … sometimes. When I offer, and the ground is slippery or uneven. I don’t ever want to stop.

Working on balance. Eyes open to the suffering; but not so much that I add my own needless suffering. Grateful for my good fortune, open to enjoyment, but not so much that I nosedive into callousness.

March 6

The world
I usually don’t get along with wind, but every once in a while it’s fun. Today it was in the 50s for the first time all year, so the 30 mph gusts felt fun instead of just freezing.

The kiddo
Almost blown over at one point. Also, bravely walked into the pool up to his knees, in order to immediately drag the toy octopus back to the shallows.

After 18 months of grad student parenthood, it’s good to know I still know how to handle time to myself.

March 7

The world
A good thing about a very fine, misty rain in March is the way the water gathers on branches like hundreds of little jewels lining the bottom of every twig.

The kiddo
Saw us toast at my mom’s birthday a few weeks ago and now says “chee-yus” all the time, at the table reaching out his cup to clink, but also sitting in the back seat of the car, over and over to himself.

The me ones are the hardest ones to write right now.