
The World
It’s amazing how different 40 degrees is from 30 degrees. Today feels like the earth is stirring, even though I see hardly any green things in all my diligent peering.

The Kiddo
Napped less than an hour, slightly cranky all night. Snuggled right up during books though, which was nice.

Got enough done! Could have done more.

The World
I am too much drawn in to the horrors of the world at large to focus much on the beauties of the world up close today. But I do worry that the daffodil-or-whatever shoots I uncovered from the leaves will suffer in the cold. If I waited, I’d worry about them getting enough light.

The Kiddo
Played on his own a lot of the evening; delighted by the stick figure chalk drawing Hoy made on the chalk-wall. Came home and pointed right at it and shouted “BABY!” and was pretty chalk-focused all night.

I got three new fillings and a heart full of worry, it seems.

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