
First thing in the morning
the world outside the windows is white on white
snow on fog, the trees branches obscured
to the point of non-existance

a few hours later the fog
is letting up and the world
has a chance to go black and white on us

but wait
by 3:00 the trees are bare again
and everything drips

this was never a day for snow boots

puddle stompers
bother the weather; dress for the rhyme


Easter Sunday
parks full of children
and bright plastic eggs
which show up in bursts of color

like the purple crocuses
that appear just as suddenly
at the feet of the trees

some good ladies’ hats today
and a few trees likewise decked out
with flowers
it’s overcast

the gates of the college are chained
the campus is empty
The church doors are open

it’s Pesach week
the moon is just past full
it will snow tonight
and it is Spring