- @Snoil Because the human face isn't meant to be truly still. Even looking into the mirror there are tiny movements that make us dynamic. in reply to Snoil #
- The poor memory meets the age of the Internet … why did I tab over to this window? #
- Dear @ReidAboutSex – I now think about the 5 languages of apology while watching That 70's Show. Because THIS is what I need to be analyzing #
- @this_isbollocks Yeah I bet you did. Kinda cold, isn't it? in reply to this_isbollocks #
- @this_isbollocks There is a gay trucker in this episode of That 70's Show that's just like you. #
- @neilhimself 'night from the corner in reply to neilhimself #
- @bewareleopard You rocked it. It's a thing to be rocked. And… yeah. Yeah. in reply to bewareleopard #
- @bloodinmystool A loss to great asses everywhere. in reply to bloodinmystool #
- @sarahdopp Oh god thank goodness in reply to sarahdopp #
- @neilhimself I was wondering if anybody was going to notice that. Otherwise it's like going to the ATM machine… in reply to neilhimself #
- An ode to somebody who deserves it: https://followsthesun.com/ode/ #
- @johntunger Thanks! Here's hoping! in reply to johntunger #
- @johntunger Double thanks! Here's still hoping! (Learn more at https://followsthesun.com/consulting) in reply to johntunger #
- Well hello new followers! What a surprise to see you all here. Come visit me! https://followsthesun.com/consulting (and the main site, too!) #
- @this_isbollocks Except for all the dubliner and malbec in reply to this_isbollocks #
- @this_isbollocks I stopped by but nobody was home. Monday was hard for me anyway. And I'd wager it depends on the 14 year old. in reply to this_isbollocks #
- I have to say, twitter has really upped my haiku-writing #
- @mgod Disappointment is/ such an aching bitterness/ I'm sorry for you in reply to mgod #
- @sarahdopp Hard to believe, right? in reply to sarahdopp #
- @GraphicNovelty Oh, you know, you're right/ that's a much more apropo/ way to tweet haiku in reply to GraphicNovelty #
- Fuck this shit I'm getting Chrome. #
- @this_isbollocks I, too, welcome our new Google overlords. (Not so new anymore, I guess…) in reply to this_isbollocks #
- @this_isbollocks omnommnommmm in reply to this_isbollocks #
- @writingdirty ?! in reply to writingdirty #
- @this_isbollocks You're just discovering GWS? I've been readin' for years. And yeah, I do love it! Naturally! in reply to this_isbollocks #
- Today is a day when having my rooms filled with plants does it's job of radically increasing my happiness. Hello, chlorophyl. #
- @helio_girl (Goodbye apostrophe. I am still and always learning 'its' form 'it's.') in reply to helio_girl #
- I want a two syllable word in between 'force' and 'energy.' Scansion dammit scansion scansion I will kill this poem beast. #
- @elpocobiadlo THANK YOU in reply to elpocobiadlo #
- @Rikakulon AMAZING in reply to Rikakulon #
- @writingdirty Yeah, I did, actually. in reply to writingdirty #
- NASA's website is difficult. Am I out of the loop or were there no space shuttle missions between '03 and '10? #
- no really, who the fuck writes villanelles? I am trying but who has the balls to say "yeah, this line is good enough for a refrain?" not I. #
- @hodgman Pour that energy into a complex metric poem. About, say. Poker. Or moose. Or mustaches. You can do it, sir! in reply to hodgman #
- @omgam108 OH MAN! You must have seen the F-word in my previous tweet! And also are a robot! Nice to meet you, Mr. Bot! in reply to omgam108 #
- @xMech Yeah. And also Elizabeth Bishop. And you know what? They're awesome. I would be angry, but I'm more just sort of envious. My god. in reply to xMech #
- @nikolasco ooh! fun! in reply to nikolasco #
- Thank you G-chat for giving me midnight beta-readers on my crappy villanelles and sestinas. Thank you friends for subjecting yourself to me! #
- Villanelle completed. Someday I'll learn to write poems as stories beyond myself. For now, it's all me. https://followsthesun.com/villanelle/ #
- @sarahdopp Yeah srsly. in reply to sarahdopp #
- INTERNET HELP ME!!! #Google seems to have disappeared #multiple #Inbox sign-in and #account #delegation. I NEED THOSE. FIX IT. #
- @this_isbollocks I KNOW that, sweetie! When I click it, my only options now are "sign out" and "switch account." … in reply to this_isbollocks #
- …@this_isbollocks where did my delegated account go? or the two other accounts which I had set up? Gone in Chrome AND Firefox. #
- OH. Crisis Averted. "Switch users" is the way to get to these things now, it seems. Ridiculous. Thanks, @this_isbollocks. Breathing now. #
- Man, I keep thinking this cafe is going to get quieter, but it does not get quieter it gets louder and louder. Hello wonderful people. #