- Seems men who are financially dependent on their female partners are more likely to cheat. Threatened much? http://bit.ly/bCwaay #kinkontap #
- @Gnosisseeker Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that! Best wishes to your grandmother! I hope all is well. in reply to Gnosisseeker #
- RT @eddieizzard: Sen. Al Franken: We Have a Free Speech Problem http://t.co/3yY68kA via @huffingtonpost #KinkOnTap (He's right, you know…) #
- I miss you, #Teddy #Roosevelt. If you were here to #bust up some #trusts we wouldn't have to fear for the future of #Net #Neutrality. #
- Gearing up once again for @KinkOnTap, this time with the supercool @S___elliot and @avflox, as well as @maymaym and myself. Rockin' the net! #
- @sarahdopp @avflox @mollyren This is my favorite conversation! in reply to sarahdopp #
- @maymaym You were certainly complimented too! #kinkontap in reply to maymaym #
- @maymaym It was an honor to be part of the conversation this @kinkontap. in reply to maymaym #
- @maymaym @Ropecast Hear-hear! in reply to maymaym #
- @vlad43210 Good morning. It was fun to have you listening! in reply to vlad43210 #
- @katiesalt All my fondest thoughts are with you, Lady. in reply to katiesalt #
- @tylerthepup Clearly you're just too sexy for it. in reply to tylerthepup #
- RT @Akelaa: Always two there are: A master, and the guy who feeds him cookies cc @sarahdopp #
- So chilly today I had to put on a warm cardigan and switch out my knee socks for thick tights. Plus side, I can change clothes mid-workday! #
- It turns out that writing is really exhausting work. Who would have thought it to be so?! #
- @SaraEileen Sending you and @zacmakes so, so much love & luck. This is just dumb, this happening to you guys right now. Cut it out Universe. in reply to SaraEileen #
- New post over at Follows The Sun: http://bit.ly/bvHPaG. (Thank You). #
- @astralknowledge this is more fun than the fallen london ones! in reply to astralknowledge #
- @cunningminx FLYING. In a heartbeat. Get me over my fear of heights, and the coolest way to travel (if the gubment doesn't shoot me down). in reply to cunningminx #
- @00Syd 10:00 am. You're golden. in reply to 00Syd #
- How many drinks can you make out of @KinkOnTap episode titles? Quite a lot, really, when you put your mind to it… #
- @maymaym And where is that, pray tell? in reply to maymaym #
- What's cool in late summer would be warm in mid-spring. Regardless, I'm wrapping my scarf around my feet to keep them warm. C'est la vie. #
- @Ropecast To whom, sir, are you referring with this most titillating of revelations? #
- @Ropecast Ahh. Ruffians. I see. in reply to Ropecast #
- @Ropecast Clearly. in reply to Ropecast #
- @johntunger Take care of yourself, Mister! Do art supply stores sell some sort of … welding… block? Like sun block? maybe? in reply to johntunger #
- @sarahdopp Remarkably so, really! in reply to sarahdopp #
- Tonight is one of those nights when I just can't stop crying. And there are people around, and they notice if I leave, I wish I was well. #
- @maymaym Thank you for this tweet. It's a good thing to see after a very trying day. Everything is hard and painful, but my family loves me. in reply to maymaym #
- New post at Follows the Sun (in case you were foolish enough to believe the last one): https://followsthesun.com/as-it-turns-out/ #