- We already know that Chimps use leaves as sexual accoutrements, but do #dildos date back to the #stone #age? Could be. http://bit.ly/cj8gGC #
- Getting ready for @KinkOnTap with @SyzygyMagazine's Brad Hannon and Susan Beaver. We're gonna talk #sex #lies and #capitalism this week! #
- Hey, #Whovians We're talkin' Doctor in the @KinkOnTap chatroom! Drop in! #
- Why yes, I am taking a lunch break today. Didn't eat breakfast, you say? 4:30 in the afternoon, you say? Pah. I reject your silly food norms #
- I gotta admit, Netflix. Now is not the best time for you to have scheduled maintenance. We could have timed this better. #
- Here's hoping! RT @diabola: China to end public shaming of sex workers. (Seriously. Pigs are flying today.) http://nyti.ms/9MZnNF #kinkontap #
- @HiOhMegan oh boo! That is a hard place to be. in reply to HiOhMegan #