- #Internet #kerput. 1st #Cable light blinked, now not even that. DM me w/ #ideas And never fear, by hook or by crook I will be ready for … #
- #Internet or no, I'll be on @KinkOnTap tonight! Great show tonight, @hiohmegan, @debaucheddiva, @pledgemistress join us! Wouldn't miss it! #
- Thank you #Internet #gods! You have been kind this day. Doing @KinkOnTap from home-sweet-home tonight, after all: http://live.kinkontap.com #
- Getting lots of interest in #organizational #help! If you wanna work with me, check out https://followsthesun.com/consulting & speak up soon! #
- @tamed_lionheart Well thank you! #Google #Apps, #Skype and other free programs have been very helpful to us! Enjoy! cc @maymaym #kfadc2 in reply to tamed_lionheart #
- @maymaym People recognize that when you #speak people #listen The more this happens, the more everyone will want you to be their #voice in reply to maymaym #
- @maymaym "Some chick said, thank you for saying all the things I never do. I said y'know the #thanks I get is to take all the shit for you." in reply to maymaym #
- @maymaym "It's nice that you listen. It'd be nice if you joined in. As long as you play that game … you're never gonna win." #Ani gets it. in reply to maymaym #
- I am not kidding: group of kids at #Library just broke into 'We Are The World, We Are The Children' while coloring. #surreallife #
- Fantasy book I'm reading just used '#vanilla' to mean 'non-magical.' Just goes to show that #words are what we make 'em. #
- @Lia_Sphere What sort of re-evaluation? I had strong, and strongly mixed, reactions to #Secretary Which, I must admit, included great sex. in reply to Lia_Sphere #
- @johntunger Oh, I'm a complete #foodie and yet I so know that feeling. I usually fall back on packaged #ramen noodles (more's the pity…) in reply to johntunger #
- @johntunger You sound like you must be a great #eater Everybody values cooking, but few understand the #skill involved in #eating #well. in reply to johntunger #
- @Fangirlswoons It's not a book, and you don't have to buy it, but http://malesubmissionart.com is the best place I know of for #male #nudes. in reply to Fangirlswoons #
- Best part of #online #freelance work? Taking off my #bra in the middle of a #meeting That feels so much better! #
- @johntunger Fabulous! What are you celebrating? in reply to johntunger #
- @Rikakulon Happens. Sucks. Remember it's just your feelings being dumb; you're still as great as you are on your best days. (VERY GREAT!!!!) in reply to Rikakulon #
- @johntunger Fabulous! Steak is the perfect way to celebrate land in Texas. in reply to johntunger #
- Library once again closed due to #heat I am in my undies due to heat, doing paperwork and watching #Dresden #Files at home. Not a bad day. #
- @charlieglickman I can't read and do paperwork at the same time; I'm halfway through my first book now, though! in reply to charlieglickman #
- Dear Emma: People screw up (yes, you). Sometimes publicly & w/out catching it for a few days. Handle this by it sucking up & rocking harder. #
- @johntunger Does that mean that you will talk about it? We are 87% ears! in reply to johntunger #
- @johntunger Oh, kids at the library wanting my attention, finishing paperwork, wondering about dinner, other body parts that aren't ears. in reply to johntunger #
- Spending my evening in an orgy of dr who as I catch up for the pandorica. #