- DMJ: What time is January, Max? Max: I'm aiming for 5:30. (We are pleased to know, but shall miss summer. And fall.) #
- Busybusy run-run-run day, but now SO excited for @KinkOnTap with the brilliant @PassionAndSoul, and my lovely co-host @maymaym. #Joyous day! #
- @zacmakes Having seen the pictures, I now revoke all snake comments. Those things are terrifying! in reply to zacmakes #
- @pledgemistress Thank you. So is she. in reply to pledgemistress #
- @maymaym I'm so, so pleased to know I had a part in this. You're gorgeous. Top to bottom, nose to bum. in reply to maymaym #
- Huh. After a bout of masturbation, I'm much less able to type – I think because the vibrator makes my hands all numb. Worth it! #
- @supergruntled I've been using the little pink battery operated one I got in my #Sex20 goodie bag. Remarkably effective! in reply to supergruntled #
- @TBK365 What are you talking about? That #tomato is #beautiful in reply to TBK365 #
- @maymaym And you used to wonder why I listened to happy music during sand times… in reply to maymaym #
- @maymaym The later one is very super-duper big in my life right now! in reply to maymaym #
- @maymaym I'm sitting here at home wishing I had somebody I could hang out with or go see. Don't ditch good people to be alone-go meet folks! in reply to maymaym #
- On #chatroulette for first time ever. Interesting. Very, very odd. #
- I am impressed by how quickly #Chatroulette made me feel unattractive and bad about myself. Was told I have a "weird, mannish face." #Blech #
- I had a less than stellar night, but marine iguanas and dear friends are starting to correct that. Thank goodness. #
- "Why am I so #lonely Why am I so tired? I need back up, I need company, I need to be inspired." #Ani knows how I #feel before I do, always. #
- @vlad43210 Terrifying, yes … but also kinda hot. in reply to vlad43210 #
- @maymaym Best of luck! You guys are gonna rock them so hard! #ocu10 in reply to maymaym #
- @TBK365 Did you really? Whoever from? in reply to TBK365 #
- @writingdirty I'm going! You know me! and @maymaym, too! You know him! #kfadc2 in reply to writingdirty #
- Evening light spills golden through my windows. I feel out of the woods now. Moving forward, ready for joy. #LiveHappy #
- @Kalyana I'm sorry, lady! That sounds unpleasant! in reply to Kalyana #
- Repair, little disk permissions, repair, repair, that I might update my software in safety. #
- What is it w/ you pple closing #libraries 1st PVD, now BKLN. D'you think books're outdated? Or everyone has internet like you? Your #wrong #
- @pledgemistress Not yet – but they're trying, just like they tried here. Check out @tylerthepup's tweets to learn more. in reply to pledgemistress #
- Made it to #kfadc2 late (STUPID DC PARKING) and already spilled the beans on the intricacies of my sex life w/ @maymaym, & how G-Apps helps! #
- Listening to @DDog and @siniful explain the sexual politics behind #DrWho As suspected, there's a lot in there. #KFADC2 #
- Zomygosh! I am learning about the delineations of #Timelord #Society. Such a happy #Whovian #KFADC2 #
- @olorwen I would dive into that! It may seem to easy, but there's more to #RHPS than meets the eye! #KFADC2 #
- Excited to hear @mollyren talk on safety around oral herpes-so many people just ignore cold sores. Education about it is so lacking. #kfadc2 #
- Due to rampant misinterpretation within the BDSM scene, #herpes can become an #asset (How hot! She's not allowed to kiss!) #KFADC2 #
- @pledgemistress Thanks for mentioning me! @MauiKink, feel free to get in touch! I'd love to help if I can! in reply to pledgemistress #
- What happens when you try to be #safe but your partners don't #listen and don't let you? #STI challenges are multifold! @mollyren #kfadc2 #
- Also, @talkingfigleaf is a veritable #font of knowledge! I know more about #herpes viruses now than I had #expected to learn today! #kfadc2 #
- OH! @mollyren reminds us that #herpes the kissing disease, is often passed w/in families. Brilliant reason to tear down #STI stigma #KFADC2 #
- As I sit and tweet, the brilliant @maymaym fills our meter, sets a timer, keeps the day smooth. I'm a lucky girl. #
- #Ask before #kissing people on the lips. Not only is it polite, it can keep you safe! #kfadc2 #
- @writingdirty Well, we are at the LGBT center. It wouldn't be that odd…. in reply to writingdirty #
- Check out the gorgeous #ADPS representation at #KFADC two! Joined by @lia_sphere and @xMech. ROCK ON!! #
- WHAT DID I MISS?! @nikolasco is clearly talking about technology I need, but I missed something! Fill me in, guys #KFADC2 #
- Oooh, #teledildonics for the win! One of the best words for some of the best tech! #KFADC2 @nikolasco #
- (PS, People who merely read his blog don't know it, but in person, @TalkingFigleaf is totally adorable. #TrueThing ) #
- Man, given how necessary music is for my #masturbation to function, I really need to get one of those #ipod dildo things. @nikolasco #kfadc2 #
- "You don't want a gay dildo if you're straight" – @TalkingFigleaf (Those things will turn you …) OH at #KFADC2 #
- Seismic. Dildo. I'm sold, @nikolasco – you don't even need to explain. But you can, if you like. KFADC@ #
- Man, I thought @maymaym and I had some good #sextech but @Nikolasco has us beat, HANDS DOWN. So. Much. #Want #KFADC2 #
- I need a #vibrator that senses how close you are to orgasm, and #slows down. #Amazing #KFADC (Better watch out, @maymaym). @Nikolasco #
- People filter in for a conversation on #proporn #antiporn here at #KFADC2 I wonder if there'll be such #open #discussion at #stopporncon #
- Seems much of the #proporn #antiporn debate is a lot of fuss about #semantics – if it doesn't hurt #women is it porn? #kfadc2 #stopporncon #
- Seems if #stopporncon approves of it, it must be #erotica not #porn Let us brand ourselves, #reclaim what once #harmed us. #KFADC2 #
- Conversation abt #feminism what once was #radical now seems #repressive Perhaps #stopporncon is just #misstep on way to good world? #KFADC2 #
- Seems #Webster #039;s and #antiporn feminists definitions of porn vary: http://bit.ly/bCq0xD. Maybe that's the root of this. #stopporncon #kfadc2 #
- RT @DDog @siniful sez: It's hard to have a #conversation unless everyone knows what the #definitions being used are. #kfadc2 #stopporncon #
- RT @DDog @talkingfigleaf: What we call #porn they call evidence for prosecution, what they call #erotica we call porn. #kfadc2 #stopporcon #
- Stepping away from the #stopporncon confusion and pain, @olorwen causes us to joyously discuss our #individual discoveries of #kink #KFADC2 #
- So many people here started w/ #fanfic before realizing they could #live some of their fantasies. Did #Snape bring me to big #noses #kfadc2 #
- .@debaucheddiva PLEASE tell us how the kink.com conversation goes. There is so much legit discussion that they'll miss. #stoporncon #kfadc2 #
- .@debaucheddiva @hiohmegan D'you see any understanding or search for common ground at #stopporncon At #KFADC2 we disagree but try to grock. #
- @siniful IS IT?! OH MY GOSH WHERE! (so few people saw the sequel…) in reply to siniful #
- Now @TalkingFigleaf, having gathered his bloggerific thoughts, speaks brilliant points on #porn #erotica definitions. #stopporncon #kfadc2 #
- Careful, @furrygirl, #sarcasm and #text and #conservatives don't mix very well. #Stopporncon #kfadc2 #
- Ok, #antiporn folks, we admit it! If #porn is by #definition #harmful, we hate it too!! But we don't think that's true. #kfadc2 #stopporncon #
- @debaucheddiva Completely honestly – how are you managing? How is @hiohmegan? This has got to be very scary. Are you speaking up much? in reply to debaucheddiva #
- @pledgemistress @furrygirl Yeah, that was my thinking, too. #Stopporncon #KFADC2 in reply to pledgemistress #
- .@TalkingFigleaf reminds: things don't disappear when we make 'em illegal, they go underground & become REALLY harmful. #stopporncon #kfadc2 #
- @HiOhMegan Take good care of yourself, lady. If you haven't got your health, you haven't got anything. Don't let the bastards get ya down. in reply to HiOhMegan #
- .@Lia_Sphere Speaks #masochism and #masculinity Giving up power does not equate with femininity. (Really – I promise.) #KFADC2 #
- I'm loving @Lia_Sphere's depiction of #strong #submissive #masculinity – but why relegate it solely to #gay #relations? #KFADC2 #
- I am reminded of #wes and #ADPS as @Lia_Sphere reads her paper. There is comfort in #academic #storyhour. #KFADC #
- "phalocentrism is above all the denial of the value of powerlessness in both men and women" qtd. by @Lia_Sphere. Amazing. #KFADC2 #
- Thanks to the #sexpositive folks at #stopporncon It's scary to try to #engage people who disagree. We're lucky to have good #ambassadors #
- I sincerely hope #stopporncon succeeds in its goal of ending oppression, coercion, cruelty. We at #KFADC2 share these ideals-engage with us! #
- I would would love to hear #more from folks at #stopporncon – trying to #understand your #viewpoints from a distance, but need more! #KFADC2 #
- Continuing our attempt to do better #understand #proporn #antiporn dispute. #stopporncon #KFADC http://ustream.tv/channel/kinkforall #
- We need to be strong, mature advocates of our viewpoint. Disagreement doesn't mean we can take others lightly. Be kind. #KFADC2 #stopporncon #
- People I admire for their strength, today: @hiohmegan, @maymaym, @debaucheddiva, @pledgemistress. #stopporncon #kfadc2 #
- Beginning to fade. Keeping positive is tough, staying kind in the face of oppression tougher – and toughest when my "own side" kicks back. #
- My internep just died: meant to say, @raxvulpine, @furrygirl, I'm not trying to preach, just remind myself of my own ideals. Follow yours. #
- Wish I could've tweeted @DDog's supercool discussion on being #thoughtful on #trans issues, but no net & phone is tough. #kfadc2 #
- Little to #no #Internet at #kfadc2 venue. We're still rockin' and recording despite radio silence! Check it out after-the-fact. #
- A pile of people slumps cuddled in the back of the roon at #kfadc2 Frenetic pace of #kinkforall can do that to a body. They're sweet t'see. #
- @Gnosisseeker Yeah, @KinkOnTap is TOTALLY a go tomorrow! Live from Providence! in reply to Gnosisseeker #
- #KFADC2 ends, for me, with a truly monumental headache. I need sushi, and cuddles. Stat. (But it was a good day, and thanks to all involved) #