Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-05-09

  • Morning. Missed signals all over the place last night, leaves me feeling sickish with waiting. The best laid plans and all that. No blame. #
  • @HiOhMegan That would be brilliant! I work till 5:30. in reply to HiOhMegan #
  • @HiOhMegan Perfect! in reply to HiOhMegan #
  • Here's a neat thought: as sexuality evolves, you can #GAIN #virginities, as new acts/partners take on meaning & import. #rethinkingvirginity #
  • #Rethinkingvirginity asks: Why do we talk of "losing" virginity"? Who pays it so little attention? Possibly better: #change "#letgo, #drop #
  • #RethinkingVirginity points out: US has only 2 options of sex-ed. "Abstinence Only" & "Comprehensive." Should be called "#Abstinence #Plus " #
  • But the idea that if you teach anything beyond abstinence you're providing "comprehensive" information is bullshit. #RethinkingVirginity #
  • There should #always be room for #abstinence as a #choice #never #enforcement of it as a #norm #RethinkingVirginity #
  • Why is #abstinence couched in the #negative Either sex is bad, or from the other side abstinence itself is. Strange. #RethinkingVirginity #
  • "It's a fallacy to think that given an abundance of information young people will get confused" #Youth have brains too! #RethinkingVirginity #
  • Finding myself amazed & awed that we've reached the point of saying "opposite gender, so to speak." #postpostpostgender #RethinkingVirginity #
  • If virginity is transformative sexual experience, I think I lost mine a year ago finding #denial as a #core #desire. 5 yrs post intercourse. #
  • Waiting for the #SexPanic #Panel to start. Tackling sexuality, education, free speach & censorship. So excited! #
  • #Sex Panic Panelist & @BrownSHEEC chair @pledgemistress tells us abt college #sex #weeks across the country. #Health & #safety a priority. #
  • #SexPanic Panelist @ReidAboutSex explains that when #New #Yorkers pay for #hugs the Apocalypse is nigh. His #cuddle #parties lead to #doom #
  • Panelist @ReidAboutSex reminds us that while #college #sexed may not meet everyone's #interests that's a reason to #broaden it, not end it. #
  • #SexPanic Panelist & Brown University administrator explains how the U works w students to create great programing w/out content restriction #
  • #SexPanic Panelis @hiohmegan tells us that most of her job as a sex #educator is making people #feel #better about their #bodies & #desires #
  • 'Just because I talk about something does not mean I'm telling people to go out & do it!' says @hiohmegan. Sad that needs saying! #SexPanic #
  • Now @maymaym talks. Gonna watch not tweet. Watch it yourselves. #sexpanic #
  • Moderator asks what the #limits should be when #talking about #sex Hmm. #sexpanic #
  • Panelist @ReidAboutSex opines that the edgiest #sex #discussion occurs between sex educators too cut off from other social spaces. #sexpanic #
  • Panelist @pledgemistress asks – how will you know where your line is if you don't know what you're drawing it between? #sexpanic #education #
  • Panelist @maymaym reminds us we have many rights, but the right to live unoffended is not among them. #sexpanic #
  • Question: 'How have you dealt with it when people attack the way you educate?' @hiohmegan: 'Freak out.: Good 1st step! Then, talk. #sexpanic #
  • Conversation is engendered when people don't feel judged for difference, @ReidAboutSex tells us. But how do you ensure THAT? #sexpanic #
  • Amazing how quickly fear spreads – as it turns to hate and anger, it even spreads to the people we're being told to be afraid of. #sexpanic #
  • Question: 'What's the difference between what's offensive & what's harmful, esp. when #hate #speach is involved?' #sexpanic #
  • Perhaps a distinction between offense & harm lies in the direction. It's one thing to make a general statement, another to harass. #sexpanic #
  • Realizing I need to start listening to more #Grateful #Dead, stat. Missing Uncle John's Band. Also, time has slowed. 5 days ago was forever. #
  • @sarahdopp @jamesbcarp D'awwwwww…. you guys… (cc @maymaym) #
  • @bewareleopard Sending love for you!! Hope all is well! in reply to bewareleopard #
  • What's red on top, white below, and unutterably adorable? @maymaym, that's what. #
  • Kid at library just asked me about my #birth #control pills. I explained they were to #prevent #parasites. I only speak the #truth #
  • So tired. So Horny. Yawning fit to suck all oxygen in 2 mile radius in to help support my brain. Can I do the next four hours? Sure I can! #
  • Morning. Pouring. Thunder. Screw whatever I had planned, today is a stay-in kinda day. #

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