Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-05-30

  • Listening to @bigolpoofter speak about the politics of sex and #HIV – framing #transmission as a #crime doesn't help anything. Ever. #Sex20 #
  • It's 1 thing to speak of "criminalization of transmission" another to speak of "laws regarding disclosure." Which sounds right t'you? #Sex20 #
  • When you create something good & #share it w/others, it very quickly becomes bigger than yourself. The only thing to do is let it go w/#joy. #
  • Sure, @CrystalDToys! Joining now. U-stream as we capture more interviews, but we'll chat & keep the #Sex20 search. in reply to CrystalDToys #
  • I'm learning a lot about what it means to be born to parents with #HIV Didn't know mother-to-child transmission could be avoided! #Sex20 #
  • Why is it so hard to allow people to make their own #decisions Spread information & let us decide our own acceptable risk. #Sex20 #safersex #
  • What if porn featured conversations between participants about their #sexual #status? That'd be even #hotter than condoms and lube! #sex20 #
  • "Lo and behold, I'm a sexual being – and it's MINE! Who'da thought!" – Dr. Betty Martin #Sex20 #
  • #Sex #Workers on SWOP panel range from "allergic to social media" to "cannot imagine doing this work without the #internet " Cool! #Sex20 #
  • Interesting notion: might be ok for your child's friends to find your #sex #work site, but not ok for them to see a topless pic there #sex20 #
  • "It's more interesting to me if someone wants to grow and learn. It gets boring after a while to just get everybody off all the time" #Sex20 #
  • Feeling the need to session hop this morning – lots of great stuff and I just #can #039;t #limit myself! #Sex20 #
  • Snuck into @ReidAboutSex's #media session. #Talking #points & #speech #patterns are discussed & planned out. Media is for #wrangling #sex20 #
  • Make a good website. Get yerslelf into the #media Bring people to your #website That all ya gotta do, friends. That's it. #Sex20 #
  • @hiohmegan Try the linksys in reply to HiOhMegan #
  • Do not listen to Big Media when they say they'll give you back your stuff. Do not share without a back-up.- @ReidAboutSex Good Advice #Sex20 #
  • "Remember, the average American reads English at or below an 8th grade level." #Accessibility is not only for the #smart or #educated #Sex20 #
  • If the #rules are #stupid break 'em. You'll get a lot of great #media attention before They shut you down. #Sex20 #
  • Get what you need. Don't wait for people to give it to you. Be so #helpful you're obnoxious and you'll be in the clear. @ReidAboutSex #Sex20 #
  • Apparently on #Network #TV, November is #scandal #month – because that's why they're lookin' for ratings. Good to know! #Sex20 #
  • You are always free to leave. If an interviewer is hostile, if you have been mislead, politely remove yourself. #Sex20 #
  • About #media @maymaym asks: "how do you learn to talk to a new, unfamiliar audience?" @ReidAboutSex says" "Slow down, be self-aware" #sex20 #
  • RT @scarletlotus: Never put a dollar amount out there first, ask "what's your budget?" when at all possible @loveuduckydoo #sex20 Yes-Right! #
  • Remember: "It's probably not the end of the world. It just #feels like it is." @ReidAboutSex Easier said than done, my friend. #Sex20 #
  • Oh, SO good to know that #NPR goes over-time to. Sometime a #great #conversation is just too good to end! #KinkOnTap #Sex20 @ReidAboutSex #
  • Spkr @mrsexsmith discusses wanting (& having) what you want, even when it feels fucked up. Sometimes your own #desires need #consent #sex20 #
  • Had a such fun chatting w/ @HiOhMegan, @ReidAboutSex, and Clea & Allena of w/ @maymaym for @KinkOnTap! #sex20 #
  • Knowing that you don't always say "yes" can make those you #love feel #valued when you do say yes to them. @mrsexsmith #sex20 #
  • Enjoying @mrsexsmith joyously telling us that we all have to say "no" to each other – because she told us to. Is this consent or not? #sex20 #
  • @bewareleopard Hello to the porch from Seattle! To whomever asked why I wasn't at Ford News this morning, well that's why. In seattle. #
  • Truly enjoying @mrsexsmith's "Yes, No & Consent" workshop. All of these have been smart & #interesting but this one is so much #fun #sex20 #
  • @maymaym Yeah, well, we're complicated. Because we're so smart and great and awesome. And stuff. in reply to maymaym #
  • RT @Ropecast: OH "Do you 2 ever get to sex?" (@helio_girl) "With surprising rapidity and frequency, thank you!" #sex20 And damn proud of it! #
  • Can I just say how incredibly glad I am to be here with @maymaym? I know it's obvious as hell, but I am full of #joy #Sex20 #
  • If you question your partner's yes, don't ignore the feeling or ignore their #consent talk to them. Keep talking till you understand. #sex20 #
  • Sometimes #consent signals come not through words but through #tone @maymaym shares an example-from his own erotica, no less! #sex20 #
  • If you #consent to someone making decisions for you, it's important to abide by their decisions. #Trust has layers. Build many, more. #Sex20 #
  • "My clients trust my implicitly-they just KNOW that I won't do anything they won't like. WHAT?!" OH in @mrsexsmith's #consent session #sex20 #
  • Don't teach people to treat people badly. Don't teach men to treat women badly, women to treat men badly-be #excellent to each other. #sex20 #
  • Many thanks to @lissyblog for reposting my #Defining #Kink talk-I'm honored. Check it out @ Carnival of Kinky Feminism! #
  • So true -@zalsoa brings up the difficulty of creating an #illusion of #nonconsent for activities you love – even when you want to! #sex20 #
  • Huh – "dirty" and "wrong" almost never figure into my sex life. More that our definition of "right" (SO RIGHT) is just … different. #Sex20 #
  • Closing comments at #Sex20 What a fantastic conference – safe, comfortable, and cross-cultural, informative. Thank you, @sex20con #
  • Raffle time at #Sex20 @Ropecast has won twice already! He claims he never wins anything, but I do not believe this. #
  • Apparently, if you win once in this raffle you win twice or thrice! Hmmmmm #Sex20 #
  • I see snow-capped #mountains from the window of my plane. Goodbye #Seattle Goodbye #Sex20 It's been great! Hope I see you both again soon! #
  • At airport in DTW, watching the sun set at 9:00pm local. I have no clue how my biological clock is set on this endless day. 4 hours to home. #
  • 87 degrees outside. An army of electric fans fill the library w/ breezes. Our patrons are sandalled moms & shirtless toddles. Hello summer. #
  • @cunningminx I responded to your e-mail, but wanted to ping you here to make sure you saw – we should def. talk soon! Looking forward to it! #
  • @Lia_Sphere So excited your'e gong to be there! We will hang. in reply to Lia_Sphere #
  • @pledgemistress Turns out ICD is unreasonably sexy. Big surprise there, everybody. in reply to pledgemistress #
  • Sending out follow-up e-mails from #Sex20 There're tons, but still, I wish I had gotten #cards from more people! If we met, drop me a line! #
  • Went from feeling awesome to feeling exhausted to the point of tears & unable to even guess what all work I have to do in record time. Guh. #
  • Oh no you DON'T Mr. Wiki! When I say make a page you bloody well make a page! I AM the #Wiki #Queen! #
  • @zalsoa I am very good at telling things what to do. Some of them occasionally, even listen. cc@maymaym @sarahdopp in reply to zalsoa #
  • Here is tonight: I drive home thinking it's late, I won't do much work tonight. 3 hours later it is dark and I have not moved at all. Go me. #
  • How I deal with my generally v. discreet mice: When I see them, loudly proclaim "BAD. #MOUSE Stay in hiding, or I'll get #traps " #
  • I am seriously enjoying having #breasts right now. Just sayin'. #
  • "It's Christmas, and I have a puckish side that will not be denied." #
  • @pledgemistress I've got a Leo and it's absolutely great. It ain't small, but I'm a-ok with that! in reply to pledgemistress #
  • @Adisson89 If you're not going to Portland for 19 days, does that mean I get to see you at #KFADC2 That's in just 15 days! in reply to Adisson89 #
  • @cunningminx Busy busy! Enjoy #shibaricon – contact us by e-mail or DM and we'll get a move on! in reply to cunningminx #
  • Getting increasingly exciting for #KFADC2 Who's coming? Who will be coming as soon as I poke at them? (Poke!) PS My pres will research you. #
  • @Adisson89 Roadtrip to DC? How long is that drive? I will wiggle for you! in reply to Adisson89 #
  • Hey @nikolasco, did I hear you say you might know about a possible location for a #gathering post #KFADC2 Because that'd sure be shiny! #

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-05-23

  • Had such fun on @kinkontap I didn't even realize I was overlooking stuff. Must remember: the fun I didn't have doesn't negate the fun I had. #
  • PS so many thanks to @maymaym, @bewareleopard and Per for all the #fun I DID have. #Awesome #conversation, guys! #kinkontap #
  • Sitting in the lovely old building that houses @theCSPH, with wifi, a plant, and Biscuit the cat. Getting work done and feeling groovy. Joy! #
  • @pledgemistress You live in the boobies? Well…. yeah, I guess that's true. in reply to pledgemistress #
  • Listening to opening remarks at #Sex20 I'm so glad to be here! But depressed to have somehow gotten a crappy cup of coffee in Seattle. WTF? #
  • True, @maymaym the vibrators were a pretty nice touch. especially since they also included batteries. Very thought full, #Sex20 in reply to maymaym #
  • Keynote speaker at #Sex20 is giving us a long-view history of #Feminism looking as far back as pre-civil war issues. Way to go #history #
  • Spkr: As early as 1870 we see a split in Feminism, between those who want sexual liberation & those who want more legislative control #sex20 #
  • Keynote speaker just told us that New Zealanders are "deliriously #happy quot; since they #decriminalized #prostitution. Would it were so! #sex20 #
  • Keynote speaker self-identifies as 2cnd-Wave Feminist – but also tells us that that means hanging out with a bunch of angry lesbians. #Sex20 #
  • #vernonicamonet reminds us that feminist activism was once a terrifying & dangerous thing. It's amazing how easily I forget my roots. @Sex20 #
  • A la Mazlo, @veronicamonet tells us that until #women were safe from bodily #harm they could't focus on getting bodily #pleasure #sex20. #
  • If you can't do what you want to do, you have not been liberated. If you can't fuck the people you want to fuck, find a new movement. #sex20 #
  • We have better things to do than #criticize our #wank #material. Come on Feminists, let's go! #sex20 #
  • When did #Feminism hop in bed with #Conservatism As soon as it buttoned it's dress to its throat and went to make prohibition #laws #Sex20 #
  • Speaker @veronicamonet tells us that the Whore/Madonna complex straight out of the bible has permeated our #culture Christian or no. #sex20 #
  • "Former Prostitutes make excellent mothers" said @veronicamonet's #expert #witness in custody case. Wow, what were they an expert in? #sex20 #
  • @EssinEm I'm pretty sure some people were killed. Maybe not as many as history would pretend, but some. It was all that #ergot mold. #sex20 in reply to EssinEm #
  • RT @bigolpoofter: after 3 days of diversity, intersectionality w NCAVP the hanuting whiteness of #sex20 has me down already #
  • Apparently, having a #vagina doesn't necessarily make you #peaceful Thanks, @veronicamonet! #sex20 #
  • #Social #Media creates global connection & unity, so that we can be close to the people we #love not just the people who're near us. #sex20 #
  • New #Sex #Educators workshop is beginning #sex20 Tough issues like #monetization and #community #care will be discussed! #
  • W/ Sex Educators & everyone, it's a problem that we make mistakes, and then watch others make the same mistakes and don't help them. #sex20 #
  • Ducky Doolittle says #transparency is #important even about #scary topics like #money and #sex Own your info, share info, be #safe #sex20 #
  • "I find alot of joy in lifting people up and out and into sex education." says Ducky Doolittle. Beautiful, to hear of joy in helping. #sex20 #
  • Spkr @loveuduckydoo tells her story from sex worker to educating the NYPD about gender and sexuality issues. Brilliant! #sex20 #
  • It is GOOD to #make #money off what you love. Don't feel guilty – supporting yourself is #not #taking #advantage @loveuduckydoo, #sex20 #
  • RT @maymaym: At #Internet bullying at #Sex20 Listen to @TBK365 converse about her firing @! & read: #
  • Only old, non-sexy people are allowed to have smart conversations about sex, because "you can't sexualize them" says @loveuduckydoo. #sex20 #
  • "You can be both!" says @LoveUDuckyDoo People aren't EITHER saints or sinners, even in #sexuality #circles. See Dr.Ruth, fr'instance. #sex20 #
  • I assume Perez HIlton wants to write the shit that Perez Hilton writes. But to be fair, @LoveUDuckyDoo, I don't understand WHY. #Sex20 #
  • The most important thing you can learn as a sex educator is to just #shut #up and #listen says. Again, same as the rest of life. #sex20 #
  • RT @KinkOnTap Don't miss #Sex20 @maymaym & I will try creating a piecemeal Kink On Tap; see our tweets for interviews from this conference! #
  • "It's so nice to see so many here for the same reason" @LoveUDuckyDoo says start a pres by bringing your audience together-brilliant! #sex20 #
  • We see our flaws, but those that #love us see our #beauty says @LoveUDuckyDoo. Remember, remember, remember. Be #Joyous #stayalive #Sex20 #
  • "And activist is an educator and and educator should be an activist. They're the same thing." Says @LoveUDuckDoo. Sexuality =All Life #Sex20 #
  • "I'm going to the top with this, and I'm taking everybody with me." – @LoveUDuckyDoo. #What #A #Lovely #Sentiment #Sex20 #
  • In the #KinkOnTap chatroom (, hoping for folks to come chat about #Sex20 #Media #Panel w/ @maymaym is starting! #
  • @FierceKitty I think you're looking for @maymaym. Common mistake! in reply to FierceKitty #
  • I think @reidaboutsex just called shot-gun on a spanking. Is that allowed? #Sex20 #
  • Apparently I should have edited @maymaym's #Sex20 bio for run-on sentences. Oops! Gotta pay attention if I'm to be #Organization #Goddess. #
  • @maymaym, the backchannel is definitely not updating. #
  • It's always odd to me to watch a panel from over the tops of panelists' laptops. But I guess that's what you get w/ #Media #Whores. #Sex20 #
  • Worth noting that the "whore" in #Media #Whore is acronym for We #Honor Ourselves w/ Respect & #Empowerment Kitschy, sure, but wise. #Sex20 #
  • If you speak on the media, saying "off the record" is like saying "no offense" when you're being offensive. It just. #Doesn #039;t. #Work #Sex20 #
  • "Why do you ask?" is the best protection against unreasonable, off-topic questions says @ReidAboutSex. #Good #advice. #Sex20 #
  • Holygod. Between #KinkOnTap chat and #twitter I feel like I'm just a conduit for #Sex20 information. Which is, frankly, kinda cool! #
  • Panelist @FierceKitty gives one simple piece of good advice: know your #Top #10 #Google #Results. This is now we protect our info. #sex20 #
  • So. True. @ReidAboutSex just described himself as a golden retriever on espresso. That's just terrifyingly accurate. #Sex20 #
  • All press, even "negative" press, just brings people back to your #site says @ReidAboutSex. So make it a good one, guys. #Sex20 #
  • Just deactivated my #facebook account. I will miss the #photos but I'll learn to love #flickr and I'll know that I'm safer. #
  • RT @Ropecast: "Anne Coulter called you UGLY?" "Yeah. I know. Talk about hypocrisy." – @maymaym #sex20 #
  • #Be who you are. #Love what you do. Put it out there, and make it #accessible You will #change the #world #Sex20 #
  • @nikolasco who what now? in reply to nikolasco #
  • The Internet is a big & scary place, with a lot of useful (& less useful) places to put your #info Don't be afraid to ask for #help #sex20 #
  • #Media #Panel is giving #WordPress love. Useful, simple, know it, love it. #Sex20 #Information #Technology #
  • @HiOhMegan Sure! Short answer, I don't use it, and I don't trust 'em with my info. Want it off my google hits. in reply to HiOhMegan #
  • If you want to learn, skip school and head to Watch the #brilliance I hear it whenever @maymaym speaks. I'm inspired. #sex20 #
  • @Ropecast What is this Namespace y'all are talkin' about? in reply to Ropecast #
  • Remember, says @ReidAboutSex – That you're even AT this conference means you're not like #other #people. Yes. Right. #Bubble #Sex20 #
  • #Find your #audience and talk to them where the are (not where you are) says @cunningminx. More #good #advice from the #media #panel. #Sex20 #
  • You're never too cool to become outdated. As great as I am with my laptop, I can't use a complex phone for crap-but youth live on 'em #sex20 #
  • Quote: "The Internet is 15 years old and hasn't even gotten laid yet." IMAGINE the world once the #Internet starts #banging #sex20 #
  • Heh. @maymaym tells us that he speaks quickly – and demonstrates it, too! #sex20 #
  • First #google hit for my legal name is my undergraduate #thesis Shortly thereafter, #KinkForAll press releases. Good – I like this girl. #
  • Back at #Sex20 as @Ropecast begins his presentation about coming #out #First (and perhaps #hardest step – coming out to #yourself #
  • Change must happen – you'll come out, and out, and out again, as you learn the person you are. @ropecast #Sex20 #
  • "Daddy what's that on your screen?" "That's a grown up toy." "Why's it pulling that man's penis down?" "Cuz that's how it works!" #sex20 #
  • #Love is #hard It doesn't matter how you do it, it will lift you to the clouds and throw you to the dogs. Get over it, be #joyous #Sex20 #
  • If you'd like to chat about #Sex20 in realtime, come join @maymaym and I in the #KinkOnTap chatroom ( It's a blast! #
  • Being the "sexuality" person in a friend group can be an interesting – and onerous – social position. #Sex20 @ropecast #
  • RT @EssinEm: Please retweet: the @fascinationsfun gift bags are 100% recycleable, for if you don't want to keep them. #sex20 #
  • "I don't care what he does in his spare time, we need him. He's good at his job." Should be protection. Sad It isn't always. #sex20 @TBK365 #
  • @HiOhMegan oh sad! I have radishes and blueberries and cherries in the room, if they would help! in reply to HiOhMegan #
  • Hey, @TBK365! We're talking about you AGAIN! @Ropecast, this time. Told you you'd be here in spirit. #sex20 #
  • The story about @TBK365 firings just doesn't get any easier to hear. @ropecast speaks with all the righteous indignation I that feel. #sex20 #
  • It's nice not to have to be somebody's first kinky friend – but when you are, and you're open, you're doing them a service. #Sex20 @ropecast #
  • Wow, @EssinEm, that is super cool! Broadcast that story, to help combat our fears that the world has only close-mindedness and fear. #sex20 in reply to EssinEm #
  • "If someone can prove the way you have #sex is #wrong it gives them power over you."-@ropecast How can you "prove" any sex is wrong? #sex20 #
  • I gotta say, @ropecast sure SOUNDS like a great Dad. And I love (LOVE) #sexpositive #parenting stories. #sex20 #
  • The best answer to a BS "you understand" is "No. I don't. Please explain it to me." No one can assume your opinions or anger for you. #sex20 #
  • Interesting conversation in the KinkOnTap chatroom ( about media at #sex20 Join in! Share your thoughts! @sex20con #
  • So excited for @maymaym's presentation on #transparency Hard work, but he's brilliant. #sex20 #
  • @EssinEm We'll come grab you just as soon as May's pres is done. Hang tight! in reply to EssinEm #
  • Creative Commons and Wiki technology provides @maymaym with a brilliant example of how to be #accessible and #accountable #sex20 #
  • SO pleased that @maymaym's #sex20 presentation is also streaming at We've got viewers and a chatroom – please join in! #
  • #Wiki #Technology has spread so far so quickly precisely BECAUSE it is both #accessible and #accountable says @maymaym. #sex20 #
  • By being #transparent @maymaym says we both #teach and #learn at the same time. And that's how you change the world – better. #sex20 #
  • There are the pple who already get it, the pple who will never get it – & the pple who need more info. #Transparency is for group 3. #sex20 #
  • By showing people #how you do what you do, you #empower them to do what you do – or do what they do, better. That's #transparency #sex20 #
  • Transparency can be scary – but by owning your own information, you are always safer. No one can control it but you. #sex20 @maymaym #
  • "How do you be completely accessible and still have the boundaries and the privacy you need to be safe?" 1st #transparency #question #sex20 #
  • I love that among the #laptops there are plenty of folks here at #sex20 bent over #notebooks avidly taking notes in @maymaym's presentation! #
  • RT @ReidAboutSex: Promises aren't accountable. – @maymaym #sex20 #
  • "You cannot have free speech without #anonymity – but if you have anonymity, people aren't using #social #capital." – @maymaym #sex20 #
  • Brilliant! @maymaym projects google searches for both "maymay" and his legal name – totally different information comes up. #sex20 #
  • Brilliant conversation in the #KinkOnTap chat (! I'm SO glad we got that up for this presentation. @maymaym #sex20 #
  • RT @HiOhMegan: When someone asks a question, they are giving a gift. Honor that vulnerability so they can learn to honor themselves. #sex20 #
  • Dear @maymaym: You are a dork. Everybody loves you – several people THANKED you. Keep spreading the good word, my dear. #sex20 in reply to maymaym #
  • Seattle has dropped its charade of sun. I am listening to @reidaboutsex tell me how to get my needs met, & #raindrops on the windows. #sex20 #
  • #Decompress regularly to #avoid total #meltdown @ReidAboutSex advises his audience of exhausted community leaders. Good plan. #Sex20 #
  • "It's fucking #tough doing this #work quot; – @ReidAboutSex. This is the truest thing I've heard today, & I'm so glad somebody owned it. #sex20 #
  • Do what you want. If ya gotta work hard, work hard. If you come home from your job to 5 hours more work, do that. But take care, too. #sex20 #
  • Thanks, @maymaym. Hard won skills-but communication is more important than a few people talking, so I (& @ReidAboutSex, & you) learn. #sex20 in reply to maymaym #
  • Yeah, @Ropecast, for driven people, selfcare is the hardest part, hands down. I learned it early, & picked up working-too-hard after. #sex20 in reply to Ropecast #
  • This is an amazing pres!1/2 great advice about working hard & taking care of yourself, 1/2 Who-Wants-T'Sleep-W/@ReidAboutSex. Slut 😉 #Sex20 #
  • Wait, @Ropecast are we talking about who @ReidAboutSex wants to bang, or who wants to be bangin' him? #Sex20 in reply to Ropecast #
  • Good point @bigolpoofter! There's also always the concern that you're just not enough people for him! #Sex20 in reply to bigolpoofter #
  • Ok At this point I have no idea what @ReidAboutSex is saying, but I hope he doesn't stop talking. This is great! #Sex20 #
  • Funny, @maymaym, I feel like I'm great at idea stuff, great at talking about sex stuff-but trying to just DO it? #Hard & #scary #Sex20 in reply to maymaym #
  • Just realized that @ReidAboutSex somehow managed to somehow conflate #workaholism & #casual #sex – and the advice still holds! HOW?! #sex20 #
  • @Ropecast What's "good" at this? Conferences are so amazing, but take so much out of us. It's as tiring to learn as to teach. in reply to Ropecast #
  • RT @Ropecast: "Do not fuck students. Do not fuck fans at events." Hmm. @reidaboutsex #sex20 – This might apply to me one day! #Terrifying #
  • "It is my belief that most people are yelling because they don't feel heard" – @ReidAboutSex. True. #Sex20 @maymaym #
  • Don't. Stick it. In. The crazy. – @ReidAboutSex– And every other thinking person. Be a #thinking #person. #Sex20 #
  • "Believe me, I sleep with everybody, I do my due diligence." – @ReidAboutSex. Y'know, I don't doubt him for a second. #Sex20 #
  • Whatever you do, if you interact with people, leave them feeling seen and heard. Be it #sex or #organizational #consulting – #engage #sex20 #
  • Apparently @ReidAboutSex gets insecure after he talks, too! Am I gonna wind up holding him and @maymaym alternately? #Sex20 #

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-05-16

  • Wow, @TBK365 this is totally the best compliment (as far as I'm concerned) we've ever gotten! Thanks! (I listen to NPR religiously) in reply to TBK365 #
  • @HiOhMegan That is excellent! Always a big accomplishment! in reply to HiOhMegan #
  • #Helping @maymaym plan out his @Sex20Con session. He's says #I #039;m amazing like that's a surprise! (#hubriswillbemydownfall) #
  • @Adisson89 Because there's only one Internet, and it's a proper noun. Give it it's due, like any other entity. in reply to Adisson89 #
  • What is it with the mid-day headaches? 3 and a half more hours at work, and all I want is to go home and crawl into bed. Yeesh. #
  • @KinkOnTap This from the country that banned small breasts? Australia really needs to get itself figured out! in reply to KinkOnTap #
  • @laken84 Such accurate language will scar him for life! (Go you) in reply to laken84 #
  • My one bottle of perfume fell onto my porcelain sink and shattered. Smelliest disaster ever. And now I have even less ability to be a lady. #
  • @maymaym Red-headedness is quite nice, but I have to say it's the big noses that absolutely slay me. Gives character I guess? #whyIlovesnape in reply to maymaym #
  • New post – A poem and a memory. #

Land’s End (July 25th, 2009)

All week you and I have wandered
In and out of misery
Through quarrels
And through ecstasy, through joy
Frustratingly familiar
This variance
And now we have wandered to
A place you have not been
Someplace new, here at the
Salt blown edge of the world
And I’m glad you came here with me

I’m glad to see nasturtium
Blossom like flame on flame
In your hair
And yarrow
And fennel
Maybe later I will
Look up their meanings
When I am missing you

And soon I will twine
Your hair with
Beach pea and
And pick shells and stones
From a beach a continent
And we will look then
A few more days into the future

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-05-09

  • Morning. Missed signals all over the place last night, leaves me feeling sickish with waiting. The best laid plans and all that. No blame. #
  • @HiOhMegan That would be brilliant! I work till 5:30. in reply to HiOhMegan #
  • @HiOhMegan Perfect! in reply to HiOhMegan #
  • Here's a neat thought: as sexuality evolves, you can #GAIN #virginities, as new acts/partners take on meaning & import. #rethinkingvirginity #
  • #Rethinkingvirginity asks: Why do we talk of "losing" virginity"? Who pays it so little attention? Possibly better: #change "#letgo, #drop #
  • #RethinkingVirginity points out: US has only 2 options of sex-ed. "Abstinence Only" & "Comprehensive." Should be called "#Abstinence #Plus " #
  • But the idea that if you teach anything beyond abstinence you're providing "comprehensive" information is bullshit. #RethinkingVirginity #
  • There should #always be room for #abstinence as a #choice #never #enforcement of it as a #norm #RethinkingVirginity #
  • Why is #abstinence couched in the #negative Either sex is bad, or from the other side abstinence itself is. Strange. #RethinkingVirginity #
  • "It's a fallacy to think that given an abundance of information young people will get confused" #Youth have brains too! #RethinkingVirginity #
  • Finding myself amazed & awed that we've reached the point of saying "opposite gender, so to speak." #postpostpostgender #RethinkingVirginity #
  • If virginity is transformative sexual experience, I think I lost mine a year ago finding #denial as a #core #desire. 5 yrs post intercourse. #
  • Waiting for the #SexPanic #Panel to start. Tackling sexuality, education, free speach & censorship. So excited! #
  • #Sex Panic Panelist & @BrownSHEEC chair @pledgemistress tells us abt college #sex #weeks across the country. #Health & #safety a priority. #
  • #SexPanic Panelist @ReidAboutSex explains that when #New #Yorkers pay for #hugs the Apocalypse is nigh. His #cuddle #parties lead to #doom #
  • Panelist @ReidAboutSex reminds us that while #college #sexed may not meet everyone's #interests that's a reason to #broaden it, not end it. #
  • #SexPanic Panelist & Brown University administrator explains how the U works w students to create great programing w/out content restriction #
  • #SexPanic Panelis @hiohmegan tells us that most of her job as a sex #educator is making people #feel #better about their #bodies & #desires #
  • 'Just because I talk about something does not mean I'm telling people to go out & do it!' says @hiohmegan. Sad that needs saying! #SexPanic #
  • Now @maymaym talks. Gonna watch not tweet. Watch it yourselves. #sexpanic #
  • Moderator asks what the #limits should be when #talking about #sex Hmm. #sexpanic #
  • Panelist @ReidAboutSex opines that the edgiest #sex #discussion occurs between sex educators too cut off from other social spaces. #sexpanic #
  • Panelist @pledgemistress asks – how will you know where your line is if you don't know what you're drawing it between? #sexpanic #education #
  • Panelist @maymaym reminds us we have many rights, but the right to live unoffended is not among them. #sexpanic #
  • Question: 'How have you dealt with it when people attack the way you educate?' @hiohmegan: 'Freak out.: Good 1st step! Then, talk. #sexpanic #
  • Conversation is engendered when people don't feel judged for difference, @ReidAboutSex tells us. But how do you ensure THAT? #sexpanic #
  • Amazing how quickly fear spreads – as it turns to hate and anger, it even spreads to the people we're being told to be afraid of. #sexpanic #
  • Question: 'What's the difference between what's offensive & what's harmful, esp. when #hate #speach is involved?' #sexpanic #
  • Perhaps a distinction between offense & harm lies in the direction. It's one thing to make a general statement, another to harass. #sexpanic #
  • Realizing I need to start listening to more #Grateful #Dead, stat. Missing Uncle John's Band. Also, time has slowed. 5 days ago was forever. #
  • @sarahdopp @jamesbcarp D'awwwwww…. you guys… (cc @maymaym) #
  • @bewareleopard Sending love for you!! Hope all is well! in reply to bewareleopard #
  • What's red on top, white below, and unutterably adorable? @maymaym, that's what. #
  • Kid at library just asked me about my #birth #control pills. I explained they were to #prevent #parasites. I only speak the #truth #
  • So tired. So Horny. Yawning fit to suck all oxygen in 2 mile radius in to help support my brain. Can I do the next four hours? Sure I can! #
  • Morning. Pouring. Thunder. Screw whatever I had planned, today is a stay-in kinda day. #

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-05-02