- Psyched for @KinkOnTap tonight @TheCSPH with @HiOhMegan & @pledgemistress!! We will be in front of a #LIVE #AUDIENCE – 1st 10 ppl in are it! #
- Ready for @KinkOnTap w/ @HiOhMegan & @pledgemistress! We'll talk about #KFAPVD, @TheCSPH, and more!! Come chat w/ us http://bit.ly/bMBfes #
- Turns out, feelings. Or, not feelings – just a sensation that all my walls are thin right now, that things can get in at me, I'm undefended. #
- You know what it is? It's like I'm made of glass. I move slowly, I take it easy. I know I could shatter if I'm not careful. #
- Has FetLife. Friend me if you wanna,. I am, predictably helio_girl. (http://bit.ly/bkBRvv) #
- @viviane212 Are people who sell mood rings bipolar disorder enablers? #DSM5 hypersexual disorder = fail. http://bit.ly/byUGvQ in reply to viviane212 #
- @Adisson89 Bugs don't learn. Also what the hell, it's winter? Shouldn't they all be dead? Also I miss you & your video blog brings much joy. in reply to Adisson89 #
- @Adisson89 Smite them with your holy wrath! They shall not stand against you! Your will is strong! in reply to Adisson89 #
- @Adisson89 You're king of the castle. Track them to their home. Make them pay. (PS I love ever living thing) #
- @writingdirty @Adisson89 DO NOT SAY SHIT LIKE THAT ON THE INTERNET. Period. in reply to writingdirty #
- Spent all afternoon feeling sick to my stomach. Feeling sicker. Feeling like either squeezing into a small space or moving without stopping. #