- @Adisson89 Dear hear? in reply to Adisson89 #
- RT @KinkForAll: Coming to #KFAPVD? There's still time to sign up at http://tr.im/kfapvd to get free Wi-Fi for the day from @BrownUniversity! #
- @writingdirty AMAZING!!! in reply to writingdirty #
- @Adisson89 WE WILL MISS YOU. I already miss you. Boo this sucks visit later plz? in reply to Adisson89 #
- RT @viviane212: LAST day to sign up for guest access to Wi-Fi Internet for free during #KFAPVD: http://tr.im/kfapvd Join us on Feb 6 in #RI! #
- @katebornstein I talk to people who aren't with me, when my feelings are more than I want to show. Get out the angry to talk sanity later. in reply to katebornstein #
- @writingdirty There are buses that run a few times a day for under 30 dollars. Fung Wah bus is good. in reply to writingdirty #
- @writingdirty So join us for the afternoon? Or maybe that is a good point. We'd miss you though!!! in reply to writingdirty #
- #kfapvd – A preponderence of technology. #
- Watching @zacmakes talk about #ritual #objects & #kink. Very interesting! Stuff I never knew! #
- Aw, thanks @seraglioletters! #kfapvd #
- Have seldom been so proud of @zacmakes, so pleased to know him. Great talk! #kfapvd #
- Oh right, we ran #raves! Thanks for the reminder, @zacmakes! #kfapvd #
- Now @zacmakes is showing us well-made tools we can emulate. #Kfapvd #
- #kfapvd is unsurprisingly full of #feelings. Also unsurprisingly ful of #awesome! #
- Learning about #sexual #freedom from @hiomegan. She hands out items & we guess what freedom they represent. She has a #gspot plushy! #
- Pleased that we have talked about so many of @hiohmegan's #sexual #freedoms on #kinkontap. #kfapvd #
- Learning abt #sexual #freedom from @hiohmegan. She hands out items & we guess what freedom they represent. She's got #gspot toy #kfapvd #
- @viviane212 I know! I think it's cause I'm tweeting from my phone? #kfapvd #
- @viviane212 I guess it's hit or miss? #kfapvd #
- Excited to hear @maymaym's #kfapvd presentation. For once I don't know it in advance! #
- I am learning so much! Thanks, @maymaym! #kfapvd #
- Jens Bjornboe is my new #hero! @maymaym taught me this. #kfapvd #
- As if that weren't enough, I turned 13. And then I put my toothbrush in my but … and I liked it! – @maymaym, #kfapvd #
- Now @saraeileen is teaching us how to #change the #world, #mainstream-style. #kfapvd #
- @writingdirty Thanks! We miss you! Glad you're watching! #kfapvd #
- I learn from @SaraEileen that it's easier to #improve the #mainstream if you're within the mainstream. #kfapvd #
- A commenter reminds us that #lookism goes in both directions. We are all judged for how we look, and for looking. #kfapvd #
- @writingdirty I love how you dress too! #kfapvd #
- @maymaym You both look super hot OUT of leathers! #kfapvd #
- Learning some very cool things about #gender & #transitioning. Once again I learn not to trust my own #dichotomies. #kfapvd #
- So glad that I can actually sit in #presentatios. #Learning so much! Who's heard of #madpride? Sounds #awesome! #kfapvd #
- Grandmothers & gender dysphoria are a tricky mix! #kfapvd #
- 'Who needs lawyers more than gay people, trans people & kinky people?' Marty, on why he's going to lawschool. I love this guy! #kfapvd #
- 'One reason I have chosen to out myself is to legitimize my identity & those of others like me.'- Marty, from his law school app. #kfapvd #
- 'It's hard to talk to your #parents about #relationships, #money, & #sex. '- Marty's girlfriend. She's smart! #kfapvd #
- @bewareleopard I will be talking in the streaming room! #kfapvd #
- Yeah, @Rikakulon – Why ARE #nerds so #kinky?! #kfapvd #
- Excited to know that Eduardo is tackling some #race / #sex issues. Sad to miss that one! #kfapvd #
- Ridicule is less threatening when you're having fun. #kfapvd #
- Maybe nerds are just more likely to recognize their kink? Perhaps because we're used to not fitting in. #kfapvd #
- Funny, @skottyD, my #frat talked about #sex all the time! #kfapvd #
- @SaraEileen So true. #kfapvd #
- Stick around in quiet presentations & you might just see a #violet #wand! #kfapvd #
- Is #Stargate super #gay? Did not know! #kfapvd #
- @nightshrill what makes that horrifying? #kfapvd #