- Thanks to @writingdirty, @mollyren #kinkontap is accomplished. I shall now spend one more night relaxing away from the world with @maymaym. #
- @sarahdopp I am painfully familiar with this concept. in reply to sarahdopp #
- @Adisson89 You are the most adorable boy. How do you stomach that stuff? in reply to Adisson89 #
- @SaraEileen I. Under. Stand. (periods for emphasis – longtimechanging, changeisslow) in reply to SaraEileen #
- @maymaym Awesome!! in reply to maymaym #
- Herself, and yes. It's on the calendar. 7:30 Tuesday. #
- Home on a Friday evening, going to do some work and also relax. Talk to me, twitter? You make my house less lonely. #
- @Adisson89 Those men. Always showering. Who needs to be so clean?! in reply to Adisson89 #
- I am reading lyrics to #Ani songs. She wrote too much of my life, too much of my history. She wrote me #bittersweet, #sad, #angry, #strong. #
- @maymaym I'm glad! Makes me happy to think of you enjoying them! in reply to maymaym #