- @katebornstein Thanks from Providence! I'll check that out. Happen y'know what time? Or Turner's Twitter? in reply to katebornstein #
- Having slept till 1:00, rose slowly and retrieved coffee. All normal mugs looked paltry, so I used the giant one I keep pens in. coffeezilla #
- @diabola Yeesh! I should probably look over the topics, too. What a thing, when one is reminded to work by one's own guests! Fantastic! in reply to diabola #
- In preparation for @KinkOnTap, I find myself searching for #Medieval medical tracts, contemplating the rise & fall of the #Catholic #Church. #
- @jamesbcarp Maybe not fallen, but falling. There was a time when, if the Church pushed a secular government, the government didn't push back in reply to jamesbcarp #
- @maureengh You asked me that before, too. I seem to recall telling you that I had. in reply to maureengh #
- @MollyRen Better than the #kinkontap in which May revealed his Tomato-Predilection? Really? in reply to MollyRen #
- Coming to terms with fact that #KFADC being this #Saturday means #KFADC is THIS SATURDAY. Ping me back (hashtag it!) if I'll see ya there! #
- @nikolasco If you're not at #KFADC, I will literally cry. I will just sit down in the middle of the District (or a bit outside) and sob. <3 in reply to nikolasco #
- @MollyRen I know and I am PSYCHED! One of my definite #KFADC plans is getting to your pres. in reply to MollyRen #
- #KFADC RT @sarahdopp: Hey queers & sex nerds who live near DC! You should go to this free sexuality conference this Sat: http://is.gd/4WE31 #
- @MollyRen You already have notes?! Yeesh, I gotta get my #KFADC butt in GEAR! But first, to finish the night's #KinkOnTap work… in reply to MollyRen #
- @nikolasco NINE books? Holy crap you are a #KFADC rockstar! …. but we knew that already, really. in reply to nikolasco #
- RT @bewareleopard: YES YES YES RT @levarburton: With a nod to Jay -Z, we've all got problems… http://bit.ly/3zBHIO
– HOLYFUCKAWESOME! # - @writingdirty But #KFADC is an all-day event – come late! Better to miss a few hours than the whole thing. in reply to writingdirty #
- Up and about for #kfadc. Drove 7 hours after work last night. Who made mornings so damn early? #
- Opening Comms at #kfadc. @nikolasco rocks my socks! #
- @writingdirty So glad you are going to make it! #kfadc will be the better for your presence! #
- In @mollyren's feederism pres. Psyched to learn! #
- @mollyren says in #feederism, as everywhere else, the mainstream gets it wrong. #kfadc #
- #kfadc @mollyren reminds us that no matter what you're #looking for, until you find it you are #lost. #
- @mollyren says that face-to-face contact is needed to spread accurate information. #feederism lacks space for this contact. #kfadc #
- @nikolasco presents on #Taoist #sexual #practices. I didn't know there were such things! #kfadc #
- Apparently in #Taoism #abstinence is regarded as #unnatural. I knew I liked this philosophy! #kfadc #
- @maymaym Taoist female sexual vampirism sounds right up your alley! Thanks for the hint, @nikolasco! #kfadc #
- Things I learned at #kfadc: I am not good enough at math to have #Taoist #sex. #
- Michael Rios eloquently talks about the #culture of #fear & judgement as it intersects w #sexuality. I suspect this will be a theme. #kfadc #
- Sexual scarcity leads to violence, war. Enjoying eachother promotes peace. #kfadc #
- 'nobody agrees with everybody on everything, all the time – and that's as it should be!' #kfadc #
- Hard to mind small number at #kfadc – I don't have to miss as much. #
- Psyched for @maymaym's Adultism Pres next. So much thought and care from both of us. It's a great pres. #
- Might not tweet much during @maymaym's pres. I want to watch this. #kfadc #
- #kfadc is back from a lovely long lunch. Listening to a pres on How To Make A #TNG. #
- Things to be aware of when planning a #TNG munch: price, availability of public trans, and ofcourse, age. Bars don't work for most youth. #
- #kfadc reminds me: it is SO hard to come out from behind the computer screen. Out online is not the same as out in the world. #
- How wise a notion – teach people to do safely what they will be doing anyway. Thanks, Lindsey. #kfadc #
- If the main organized #BDSM group is #dysfunctional, why create #TNG groups to funnel young people into it? #kfadc #
- Are men inately barbarian in nature, tamed by the power of women's erotic alure, trapped by domesticity? #kfadc #
- Does breaking traditional gender roles break society? My world today rebells at such a #simplistic view of #gender. #kfadc #
- I do rather buy in to Biological Conservative views of gender. But we can rise above genetic predilictions.complex beasties, humans. #kfadc #
- @nikolasco, etc: Not so sure presenter is giving HIS beliefs, so much as explaining a societal paradigm. #kfadc #
- Why can't I have #kfadc AND #coffee? #
- @maymaym is petting me now. Better than #coffee. #kfadc #
- Is it weird that the first thing that springs to mind when I think of #polyamory is #scheduling? #kfadc #
- There are few people on the planet with whom I do not consider myself to be in a hand-shake kind of relationship. #kfadc #
- Up next at #kfadc: 'stories from a bisexual activist life' w Loraine Hutchins & 'why writing about sex' w @writingdirty. So hard to choose! #
- I will never leave a #personal #story unaffected. Humanity is a love story, a million love stories. I am in love. #kfadc #
- Discussing how we define #queer. I talk so much about how I define #kink. Perhaps I should not take otherwords for granted, either. #kfadc #
- Bouncing aimlessly between preses. My attention is not caught. #kfadc #
- I. Love. Slashfic. Thanks, @writingdirty. #kfadc #
- Does female written gay slash fic help young women control sexuality? Could be! #kfadc #
- On gender: even worse than putting people in boxes is keeping those boxes locked. #kfadc #
- Language and gender are so strangely linked. But it will not cease to be important. Try and fail, but try. #kfadc #