- @bewareleopard That is an amazingly good question. I believe Peter Lorre is his own nationality. He comes from the land of quiet and creepy. in reply to bewareleopard #
- @KFABos By talking to everybody who might be interested, and explaining what a smart, safe, place #KFA is, & how much their input will help. in reply to KFABos #
- At #kfabos. Great people, great venue, great excitement. We did the hard stuff, now for the #fun! #
- RecursiveKink says : "Being 'normal' is a fluid choice" Great point! Wish I'd known that in Junior High. #
- Failing to join #chatroom at #KFABOS http://tr.im/kfaboslive. Not sure that's a bad thing – how many ways can I really split my attention? #
- #KFABOS Fay talks about problems w/ #BDSM terminology, defining oneself & fitting into communities. Brilliant stuff – all from anal sex! #
- Success with #chatroom at http://tr.im/kfaboslive. I think. Anybody else in here? #
- Taking a stint timekeeping at #kfabos. Excited for the 3:40 #diversity discussion! #
- 9waters talks about #therapy, #kink, and fear of #judgement. So good to hear this! I've long wondered about this topic. #kfabos #
- At #kfabos I over hear someone say "it's kinda funny to hear people #talking so openly about #sex. It's kinda #cool" True, dude! It is! #
- Apparently Supeme Court says #discrimination is only prohibited against Immutable #Identity. A company could require makeup! Srsly? #kfabos #
- @eredien How depressing! Definitely something I want to look into. I'll need to know where "Those Unable to Put On Eyeliner Need Not Apply"! in reply to eredien #
- Listening to the difficult discussion of #kink and #political #correctness. So much #historical #context one might not be aware of. #kfabos #
- Up next, the long anticipated #Diversity #Discussion. Nothing else going on in that time slot – is that good or bad? It's necessary. #KFABos #
- #Sexwork panel is continuing into next slot. Fine – smaller #diversity group can engender #participation. More may come in, as well. #KFABOS #
- #KFABOS One presenter changed tag from "no recording" to "recording" for the #diversity #discussion: "because I think it's very important":) #
- #KFABOS Singling out people of minority groups does not #include, it forces #representation. Welcome without pressing, to make a safe space. #
- #KFABOS What're possible reasons for unbalanced #racial & #ethnic mix here? There's a wide range of #age, #gender, #orientation, #community. #
- #KFABOS Does prevalence of #geeks in #sexuality communities a contribute to the #lack of #racial #diversity? Sci-fi has a white demographic. #
- Facilitator asks "Is it bad that the #community is at the level of #diversity that it is?" Immediate answer "Yes." #KFABOS #
- @maymaym: "being open doesn't necessarily create an encouraging, welcoming environment" – just being #KFA does not indicate comfort. #KFABOS #
- #KFABOS @maymaym "What makes for #self-selection, what creates an #on-ramp?" How do we get more people first here, then involved? #
- #KFABOS Even the #Wiki – the tool created for everybody to use- can be a stumbling block to #inclusion. How do we #synthesize everybody? #
- KFABOS @bostonpup asks "How much diversity can we even tolerate?" Good question! If everything's a problem for somebody, what can work best? #
- #KFABOS Rachel says "There has to be #outreach, and there has to be outreach in #communities" – and between, as well! Say "You can do this!" #
- #KFABOS @bostonpup says "Each of us can now be, if they choose to be, an #ambassador of this #event." I would go further. We all SHOULD be! #
- #KFABOS #Personal #connections make the difference. #Reach out to those you know, #whoever they are. Just reach, and do your own small part. #
- #KFABOS #Diversity Things To Do: Talk to everyone. Don't assume interest or lack. Talk to those you want to bring. Answer questions on #KFA. #
- #KFABOS #Diversity Things To do Cont: Put your stuff on line, #Be an #ambassador. #Together, we can not only make events, but #better them. #
- Things are winding down at #KFABOS. A week of almost constant work – nobody said it would be #easy, they said it would be #worth it. It was. #
- My Indian neighbor (Bart) – the 1st flr Indian neighbor, not the 2cnd, just gave May and I some of what he made for dinner. Amazing! #